(1) 过渡句型
a. 承上启下,使新观点不致显得过于突兀、武断
It is true that most jobs are a series of more or less unpleasant chores, but it doesn’t follow that that’s all they are.
That is true, no doubt, but it is not his whole story by any means.
It is fairly well known that Vitamin C is indispensable to health. But it is probably less well known that taking it excessively may do harm to the human body.
This story also illustrates the importance of seizing an opportunity when it presents itself. It is one thing to be offered an opportunity; it is another thing to take it and use it well.
b.引用图表内容时的过渡句型。图表作文经常使用as 从句做解释性描述的过渡。
As is revealed in the graph, …
As the survey results show, …
As we could find out later in this unit, his plan was not quite as he had expected.
This table provides several important points of comparison between the two universities. As can be indicated in the table, the housing space for the staff of A in 1995 was 34 500 square meters, which nearly doubled the B’s corresponding figure.
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