The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. (利大于弊)
e. g. It seems safe to say that the advantages of marriage outweigh the disadvantages of divorce.
As is shown by the arguments, the drawbacks of cloning technology outweigh its promising advances.
Nothing can rival…/ There is no rival to… (……是无与伦比的)
e. g. Perhaps nothing can rival the pleasure from reading.
There was no rival to him as a poet.
…has drawbacks as well as merits (……既有优点,也有不足)
e. g. There could be no doubt that job-hopping has its drawbacks as well as merits.
A is superior to B (A优于B)
e. g. Men may be superior to women in physical affairs. Yet, there is no difference in intelligence.
The computer is vastly superior to the book.
…vary from person to person (……是因人而异的)
e. g. People’s attitude towards drugs varies from person to person.
The picture varied in detail from place to place.
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