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考研英语  时间: 2019-03-08 16:59:04  作者: 匿名 
8. who/whom引导的定语从句中有插入语,而且插入语后也不用逗号分开时,很难区分它是插入语还是定语从句中的主谓结构
试比较:Mary is a girl who I believe is honest.
Mary is a girl whom I believe to be honest.
很明显,在前一个句子中,定语从句who I believe is honest中I believe是插入语,因为去掉后,语法或意义均成立,who在句中作主语,不能换用whom;而在后一个句子中,不能把定语从句whom I believe to be honest中I believe看作插入语,因为去掉后不符合语法,所以I believe不是插入语,而是定语从句中的主谓结构,whom作believe的宾语,to be honest作宾语whom的补足语。
例句: They pointed out the damage which they supposed had been done by last nights storm.(1997年第13题)
分析: 该句是复合句,其中定语从句which they supposed had been done by last nights storm中they supposed为插入语,had been done是定语从句的谓语动词。
译文: 他们指出了他们所预计的由于昨晚风暴而造成的损失。
例句: This trend,which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further. (选自2011年Text 3)
分析: 该句是复合句。其中,主句的主干部分是This trend effectively began with retailers and travel providers and will no doubt go further;which we believe is still in its infancy是一个定语从句,修饰trend,we believe作插入语;介词短语such as airlines and hotels作后置定语,修饰retailers and travel providers。
译文: 这种趋势事实上起始于零售商和像航空公司、酒店等旅游服务供应商。尽管我们相信它目前仍处于起始阶段,但很有可能将会得到进一步发展。

