patron n.1.资助人,赞助人 2.老主顾,顾客
patronise 见patronize
patronize vt.1.以高人一等的态度对待 2.经常光顾,惠顾? 3.赞助
pave vt.铺(路),铺筑
pave the way(for)? (为……)铺平道路,(为……)作准备
payroll n.1.工资表,在职人员名单 2.工资总额
peanut n.1.花生 2.[pl.]很少的钱
pearl n.1.珍珠 2.珠状物 3.珍品
pebble n.卵石,小圆石
peck vt.1.啄 2.匆匆轻吻 vi.1.啄食? 2.(at)小口地吃 n.1.啄 2.匆匆地一吻 3.(谷物等的干量单位)配克
pedal n.踏板,脚踏 vi.脚踏板,骑车 vt.脚蹬,踩动……的踏板
peddle vt.1.(沿街)叫卖,兜售 2.宣传,散播
pedestrian n.步行者,行人
peel vt.削……的皮,剥……的壳 vi.剥落,脱皮 n.(水果等的)皮,外皮
peel off 剥掉,脱去
peep vi.1.窥视,偷看 2.隐现,慢慢露出 n.1.窥视 2.(汽车喇叭的)嘟嘟声 3.(鼠、小鸟等的)吱吱声
peg n.1.小钉,栓,挂物钉 2.桩 vt.1.用钉子钉,用钉(或桩等)固定 2.限定(价格、工资等)3.将……看成,将……归入 4.投(球)等
peg away at 坚持不懈地做
penalise 见penalize
penalize vt.1.使处于不利地位,不公平地对待 2.判罚
pending prep.直到,在等待……期间 a.1.未决的,未定的,待定的 2.即将发生的,迫近的
pendulum n.1.摆,钟摆 2.摇摆不定的事态(或局面)
penguin n.企鹅
peninsula n.半岛
perch n.1.(鸟类的)栖息处,栖枝,栖木 2.高处,较高的位置 3.鲈鱼 v.1.(鸟)飞落,暂栖,停留? 2.(在较高处或物体边缘)坐着 vt.把……置于较高或危险处
So I was pedaling down the street the other day when this funny looking pedestrian crossed the street in front of me. I thought this kid was going to get penalized by the cops for sure since he was swinging back and forth like a pendulum. Well, I couldn’t peel my eyes off this kid when I crashed into one of our patrons. Her pearls went flying everywhere like pebbles over the road that had recently been paved. As I got up off the road I paved the way through the crowd to retrieve her pearls.
When I heard a funny peep I looked up to see that the kid was a penguin!! How I missed that, I’ll neverknow, but I’m sure the other messenger boy will peg away at me untill they take me off the payroll or something. Anyhow, the penguinpeckedme on the cheek like a kiss and then sat down on my bag like he was patronizing me from the top of some perch. I’m not one to hold grudges so I reached into my bag and pulled out some peanuts. As I peeled open the bag someone threw a couple coins down into my hat, which I had dropped. They must have thought I was peddling the penguin for money!
Well, right then and there I reached down, picked up that money and pegged the person in the back of his head. He turned around and started chasing me. Naturally I ran and now my case in court is still pending.
But I never found out what happened to that penguin. I hope he made it back to his home on some ocean peninsula. I wouldn’t want him hanging around the city much longer. He sure got me into trouble!
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