Pakistan’s party alliance vows to go ahead with election boycott plan
Special report: Pakistani Situation
ISLAMABAD, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) -- A party alliance opposing Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced Tuesday they would go ahead with their elections boycott plan and would step up campaign against the elections next week.
Leaders of the All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM), consisting of more than 20 parties, held a national convention in the capital Islamabad to chalk out its protest strategy.
"We reiterate the boycotting of the fraud elections of Jan. 8, 2008 and appeal to all the citizens of Pakistan to boycott the said elections," said the APDM in a declaration issued at the end of the meeting.
It claimed that genuine elections could take place only in an environment where in the constitution is restored to the position of Oct. 12, 1999 and the superior judiciary restored to the position of Nov. 2, 2007 and all fundamental rights particularly the freedom of the press, expression and association are available and election under the constitution are organized by an election commission, which is neutral, independent and enjoys the trust of all parties of the country.
Musharraf declared state of emergency on Nov. 3 and lifted it on Dec. 15.
The APDM demanded to undo unconstitutional steps taken by Musharraf against the judiciary, on Nov. 3 and to restore the superior judiciary as it existed on Nov. 2, meaning that all the judges who did not take oath on Nov. 3 under the Provisional Constitutional Order be reinstated.
It called for an end to military operations against innocent people of Pakistan in the country's southwestern Balochistan tribal areas, Swat in northwestern Pakistan and other parts of Pakistan and to clear out outside elements pressure and influences and to establish the rule of law.
It called for creation of an independent election commission which would guarantee free, fair and transparent election.
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