Brazil to promote exports to China in 2008
BRASILIA, Dec. 20 (Xinhua) -- Brazil will come up with a policy to promote exports to Asian, especially Chinese markets in 2008, the country's export and investment authorities said in a statement Thursday.
A conference will be held soon bringing together 61 industry associations to discuss ways of sharpening Brazilian competitiveness to take on challenges from competitors of Asian countries like China, the statement said.
The statement noted that the best way to confront challenges is to penetrate foreign markets, citing the example of Brazil's machinery and equipment association, which has set up an office in China.
A united strategy should be drawn up to help Brazilian exporters, said the statement, adding that China, with its burgeoning population with higher income, has huge market potentials for Brazilian exporters.
A trade center will be established in China in the first half of 2008 to provide service for Brazilian businessmen, the statement said.
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