U.S. presidential hopeful Obama attends fund-raisers in New York City
NEW YORK, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday attended fund-raisers in New York City, the home turf of his top rival Senator Hillary Clinton.
Obama met with grassroots supporters in Manhattan earlier in the day, and held a massive fund-raiser in Brooklyn in the evening.
This is Obama's second trip in four weeks to the borough he once called home - briefly back in the 1980s.
The sold-out fund-raiser was organized by the group "Brooklyn for Barack," and tickets went for as little as 15 dollars for students.
The Illinois Senator is looking to take away votes from Hillary for the Democratic presidential nomination.
According to a latest poll, Hillary Clinton has significantly widened her lead over Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination in the wake of a dispute over handling foreign policy.
A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll conducted earlier this month put Clinton at 48 percent and Obama at 26 percent. The 22-point gap between the two leaders is nearly double the margin found in the July 12-15 poll.
The survey of 1,012 adults has an error margin of 3 points for the full sample, 5 points for the Republican and Democratic subsamples.
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