2004年英语专业四级考试阅读真题:text H
First read the following question.
84.From its contents’ page, we know that the book mainly discusses ____.?
A. German development policy B. German rural development
C. German development assistance D. German development agencies
Now, go through TEXT H quickly and answer question 84.
Chapter One Basic elements: Principles and general framework of German development policy 1
Domestic conditions and development:
Basic criteria for German development policy 6
Chapter Two Priority concerns of German development policy:
Poverty, education, environmental protection 9
Poverty 11
Strategies for reducing poverty 13
Education 18
Environmental protection and resource conservation 33
Chapter Three Implementation of German development policy:
Organization, instruments and procedures 50
Bilateral German development assistance 58
Financial cooperation 63
Technical cooperation 68
Manpower cooperation 71
Development assistance at EU level 76
Multilateral development assistance 81
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