Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain(that) my roommate who always has many friends visiting and even has parties in the room. These things were done(happen) so frequently that I couldn't work normally. So I have to inform you that I want to have a new room next term. And if it possible, a single room would be preferable.
For one thing, the next(half year) is my final term in the college, many things I have() to complete(be completed), so the relatively quiet environment is required for me(). For another, sometimes I must work at the(until) midnight. I am afraid this will interrupt the other in our room. Generally, I wish to draw your attention to my request.
An early response will be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
Sahra点评:7分。这是一篇申请信,申请信是向收信人提出某个请求的信件,包含3个部分:1.提出请求。语言要简练。2.说明原因。这一部分需重点明确,论述充分。3.请求回复并表示感谢。应采用礼貌诚恳的措辞。此文是标准的3段式 ,大概意思都说到了。但是语言基本功这类还要加强,具体的词语和句子还可以写的更地道一些。读起来就更通顺了。
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