Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln's famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
The Way to Success
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." This philosophical wisdom by Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in American history, is equivalent to the Chinese traditional wisdom that “A handy tool makes a handy workman”
The surprising similarity between American and Chinese wisdom fully testifies to the paramount importance of having effective instruments and methods as prerequisites for executing a successful job. The fact that Abraham Lincoln accomplished great deeds in American history can largely be attributed to his well-preparedness and effective measures in undertaking major social changes. He should set a wonderful example for us to follow.
As university students, many of us have set lofty ideals or objectives, but we had better start by asking ourselves whether we are prepared to face reality, take concrete actions, and proceed with the very fundamentals. There’s nothing wrong about dreaming of becoming the CEO of a multinational firm, but first and foremost one must grasp the knowledge and skills necessary for undertaking such a great job. Perhaps we all should learn from Abraham Lincoln.
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