The bar chart above demonstrates clearly that some changes have taken place in terms of the situation of part-time jobs in a certain university. Although the participation percentage of part-time jobs from university the first year to the third year almost remain stable, we can see that percentage of university the fourth year has been on a sharp rise.
In the freshman year, based upon the data of the chart, the participation percentage of part-time jobs is nearly 67.77%; the second year, 71.13%; the third year, 71.93%. Surprisingly, the percentage rises dramatically to 88.24% in the senior year.
For my part, it’s of no difficulty for us to come up with some possible factors to account for this trend. For example, dullness and loneliness are common problems of seniors, therefore more seniors take part in part-time jobs. But the sources of this phenomenon go way deeper. It is the turbulent employment environment that shapes this trend. For hunting jobs and then broadcasting their ambition, seniors try all means to gather working experience. I believe that finding reasons can be described as a bridge between problems and solutions. (187 words)
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