Money in politics
Sky’s the limit
The justices open the door to more campaigncontributions
SHAUN McCUTCHEON, a businessman from Alabama, wanted to give a symbolic $1,776 to 28Republican candidates for Congress in 2012. Because of federal limits imposed after theWatergate scandal, Mr McCutcheon was allowed to donate this sum only to 16 campaigns. OnApril 2nd, however, the Supreme Court ruled that he can get his chequebook out again. InMcCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, the justices voted 5-4 to strike down two“aggregate caps” on campaign contributions, leaving “base limits” of $2,600 per candidate,per election intact. Where individuals had been limited to total contributions of $48,600 tocandidates for federal office and $74,600 to political parties and political-action committees, theycan now give as much as they like.
“There is no right more basic in our democracy,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in thecourt’s plurality opinion, “than the right to participate in electing our political leaders.” The FirstAmendment’s freedom-of-speech guarantee includes the right to “contribute to a candidate’scampaign.” So although “money in politics may at times seem repugnant to some,” it isentitled to “vigorous” protection. It is unconstitutional, Mr Roberts wrote, to “restrict thepolitical participation of some in order to enhance the relative influence of others.”
The only good reason to curb campaign donations, the Court ruled, is to preventcorruption. So caps on donations to individual candidates make sense: a “financial quid proquo”, or appearance thereof, taints a $1m cheque to someone running for Congress. But if itis lawful to give $1,776 to one candidate, or 16, it is odd to argue that the same sum wouldcorrupt the 17th recipient, or the 400th. “The Government may no more restrict how manycandidates or causes a donor may support,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “than it may tell anewspaper how many candidates it may endorse.”
In dissent, Justice Stephen Breyer and three other liberal justices argued that the rulingundervalues the “integrity of our governmental institutions”. Together with the CitizensUniteddecision of 2010, Mr Breyer charged, McCutcheon “eviscerates our Nation’s campaign-finance laws, leaving a remnant incapable of dealing with the grave problems of democraticlegitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve.” The majority fails to understand whatdonor dollars can buy, fumed Mr Breyer. “The threat...posed by the risk of special access andinfluence,” he wrote, “remains real.”
1.open to 打开
例句:The scheme is also open to non-members.
2.only to 只是为了
例句:I wanted only to wallow in my own grief.
3.strike down 打击
例句:There is increasing evidence that some governments are using the internationalmobilization against terrorism as an opportunity to strike down or restrict politicalopposition.
4.entitle to 有资格
例句:Probably, was born in in the world of we, did not entitle to to discuss the freedom.
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