Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should
1)interpret the chart, and
2)give your comments.
You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
As can be seen from the above charts, the living standards of farmers in China have improved greatly since 1995, that is, their per capita income is predicted to reach 3500 yuan in 2015, from only 500 yuan per capita in 1995. Meanwhile their per capita consumption will double in 2015 compared with that in two decades ago in 1995, accounting for less than one third of their income.
It is not difficult for us to point out some possible factors that underlie the above changes. In the first place, China began to carry out the reform and opening-up policy at the end of 1970s. Therefore, the per capita income of people, farmers included, increased by a big margin, as is shown in the chart. In the second place, the government has paid much more attention to agriculture development, and offers a lot of favorable policies to farmers. Thus, the farmers’ well-being has become better and better through their hard work. And they can afford more things.
From what has been discussed so far, it can be predicted that the trend will continue for quite a while in the near future. So if we can keep the change going on as usual, a bright future will await us.
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