SAN FRANCISCO — The board of Yahoo will discusspotentially selling off the beleaguered Internetcompany’s core business during a series of meetings this week, people briefed on the planssaid on Tuesday.
Directors of the company will also discuss whether to move forward with plans to spin offYahoo’s 15 percent stake in the Alibaba Group, the Chinese e-commerce giant. The board willweigh all its options, and it is unclear whether the directors will change course, said the people,who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publiclydiscuss the plans.
Still, the discussions — which will take place at a regularly scheduled board meeting — highlightthe difficulties that have long troubled one of the most prominent Internet companies.
The discussions are also sure to put attention squarely on Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s chiefexecutive, and the company’s direction under her leadership. Although Ms. Mayer is creditedwith stabilizing the company, which was in rapid decline, Yahoo has introduced nobreakthrough products during her three years at the helm and has fallen further and furtherbehind competitors like Facebook and Google in the battle for advertising dollars.
这些讨论也必将把人们的注意力集中到雅虎首席执行官玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)身上,以及她领导下的公司方向问题。虽然让公司稳定下来的功绩归于梅耶尔,在她上任之前,公司业绩在快速下滑,但是,在她掌管的三年中,雅虎并没有推出任何突破性产品,而在与如Facebook和谷歌等对手的广告收入竞争上落得越来越远。
A representative of Yahoo declined to comment on the plans.
Begun as a simple website called Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web, Yahoo hasgrown into one of the biggest names in the Internet business.
以名为“致远和大卫的万维网指南”(Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web)的一个简单网站起家的雅虎,后来发展为互联网业务的巨头之一。
Yet for the last decade, Yahoo has struggled to find its reason for being. Under the leadershipof Ms. Mayer, a highly vaunted Google executive brought in to drive the latest turnaroundeffort, the company has spent billions of dollars on acquisitions like Tumblr and Polyvore thathave yet to prove their value. And in October, the company announced it was writing off $42million that it had wasted on an ill-fated foray into original video programming.
Hundreds of millions of people continue to use Yahoo, which was a pioneer on the Internet. Sothe core business could have value to a potential acquirer.
“The saving grace for Yahoo is that it still has a relatively large user base that is reliant on theplatform so long as they maintain email addresses there. It also has a still relatively strong(and still relatively large) sales force,” wrote Brian Wieser, an analyst at Pivotal Research, in anote to clients Tuesday night. “As long as both of those factors remain in place, there would betime for an acquirer to establish new strategies and develop products while the propertycontinues to generate cash flow.”
“雅虎的卖点在于,它的用户群规模依然比较大,他们只要还使用雅虎电邮,就会依赖这个平台。而且雅虎还有一支比较强(规模也相对较大)的销售队伍,” 枢轴研究(Pivotal Research)分析师布赖恩·威泽(BrianWieser)本周二晚在一份致客户的信中说。“只要这两个因素依然存在,雅虎就会继续产生现金流,收购者就有时间来规划新战略,开发产品。”
But by far the greater value to shareholders has come from Yahoo’s large stakes in Alibaba andYahoo Japan, which is controlled by the Japanese investment firm SoftBank. Subtract theAlibaba and SoftBank stakes and the value of the remaining company is less than zero.
The planned board discussions were reported Tuesday evening by The Wall Street Journal. Inan interview on Tuesday after news of the potential board talks was published, Jeff Bonforte,Yahoo’s senior vice president for communications products, said employees were continuing towork on new products and features as the larger discussions about the company’s fatecontinued.
《华尔街日报》本周二晚上报道了这个计划举行的董事会讨论。当天该消息刊出之后,雅虎通信产品高级副总裁杰夫·邦弗特(Jeff Bonforte)接受采访表示,就在雅虎命运大讨论继续进行之际,员工正在继续开发新产品和新功能。
“It’s clear that Marissa came in with a timeline of three to five years,” Mr. Bonforte said.
But he said that ultimately his team members did not have any control over how much timethey would get to show results. “I just try to ship products that I’m not ashamed of,” he said.
The board’s deliberations are also taking place under pressure from a prominent activistinvestor, the hedge fund Starboard Value, which has spent more than a year trying to pushYahoo to take action to raise its stock price.
董事会的审议也是在对冲基金斯塔博德价值(Starboard Value)施加的压力下进行的,这家著名的激进投资机构已经花了一年多的时间试图让雅虎采取行动,提升股价。
Last month, Starboard called on Yahoo to abandon the spinoff of the Alibaba stake after theInternal Revenue Service declined to bless the potential deal as tax-free. That could negatethe rationale for the spinoff and lead to a tax bill of several billion dollars.
While Yahoo could fight a tax determination, Starboard has argued that the upside of winningthat battle would be limited.
Should Yahoo put its core business up for sale, the operations are expected to draw takeoverinterest from other technology companies as well as private equity firms, analysts andinvestors have said.
A representative of Starboard declined to comment.
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