withdraw 抽回,收回,提取 She withdrew her eyes from the terrible sight
withhold 使停止,阻挡 be obliged to ~ one’s pen
withstand 经受,承受 ~hardships
witness 目击者,见证人a ~ of the accident
offend 冒犯,使生气 She was afraid of ~ing anyone.
offence 犯法行为,过错 They were arrested for drug ~s.
offset 补偿,抵消They gains ~the losses.
omit 省略,删去 Minor points may be omitted.
overlap 重叠,部分相同 The Renaissance overlapped the later Middle Ages
overtake 赶上,超过 He ran out of the door to ~ her
overthrow 推翻,打倒 a plot to ~ the government
overwhelm 征服,压倒,毁坏 He took 45% of the ballots and ~ed his two main rivals
pace 步,步速,步伐 He took three ~s forward
pack 包,包裹 The climber carried some food in a ~ on his back
pad 垫,衬垫 a seat ~
pant 气喘,气喘吁吁地说话 He ~ed along beside the bicycle
parallel 平行的 The road is ~ to the river
patent 专利,专利权,专利品 take out a ~ for an invention
pattern 模范,榜样 set the ~ for
periodical 期刊,杂志 a ~ room
perish 卒,丧生~ from disease
perpetual 永久的,永恒的,长期的 a ~ arms race
pool 水池,游泳池 a swimming ~
notorious 臭名昭著的a ~ thief
notwithstanding 虽然,尽管 They traveled on,~ the storm
nourish养育Milk is all we need to ~our small baby
numb 麻木的,失去感觉的 fingers ~ with cold
object 物体,事物 cultural ~s
objective 目的,宗旨 political ~s
oblige 强迫,迫使 In certain countries the law ~s parents to send their children to school
obscure 晦涩的,费解的 an ~ text
nasty 龌龊的,肮脏的 a~ room
necessitate 使成为必须,需要 The emergency ~d a change in plans.
necessity 必要(性),(迫切)需要 There is no ~ for disappointment.
neglect 忽视,忽略 ~ one’s health
obsolete 废弃的,淘汰的 Wooden warships are ~.
obstinate 顽固的,固执的,倔强的The girl would go her own way, in spite of all warnings
occasion 时刻,场合They met on three ~s
opaque 不透明的A Pick wall is ~.
optimistic 乐观的,乐观主义的
option 选择权 It is your ~ to take it or leave it
orient 东方,东方国家 political theory in the West and in the Orient
origin 起源,由来 a word of Latin ~
portable 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的This little TV is extremely ~
pose 姿势,样子 The model was asked to adopt various ~s for the photographer
postpone 延迟,延缓,延期 We are postponing our trip until the weather grows warmer
potential 潜在的,可能的 That hole in the road is a ~ danger
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