exhaust 汲空,抽完:exhaust a well
expand 扩大,扩展,膨胀:Reading(travel)expands one’s mind
expel 驱逐,赶走:expel an invader from a country
expend 花费,消费(on, in):They expended all their strength in (on) trying to climb out
expire 满期,届期,(期限)终止:His term of office expires this year
explicit 详尽的,明确的:give explicit directions
exploit英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹:The daring of exploit of the parachutists were much admired
exterior 外部的,外面的,外表的:exterior decorations
durable 耐用的:a durable fapic
dwell (dwelt 或 dwelled )(尤指作为常住居民)居住: dwell on an island
economical节约的,节俭的,经济的: an economical stove
generate 产生,发生(电、热、光、力、摩擦力等):generate electricity
genuine 真的,非人造的,名副其实的:genuine leather
gesture 手势,示意动作:raise one’s hands in a gesture of despair
confine 限制,使局限 They succeeded in confining the fire to a small area.
confirm 证实,肯定 confirm a rumour
conflict (尤指长期的)战争,战斗 The conflict between Greece and Troy lasted ten years.
conform 遵照,适应 confirm to(或with) the rules(the law)
flourish 茂盛,繁荣,兴旺:Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century
fluctuate波动,起伏:You can’t march in a straight line to the victory, you fluctuate it
flush 脸红:Her cheeks flushed red
forbid 不许,禁止:Wine is absolutely forbidden to all the children
forge锻炼:forge a horse-shoe out of an iron bar
glance 一瞥,扫视:take a glance at the newspaper headlines
glare 怒视,瞪眼:give the jury a glare
dense 稠密的,密集的:a dense forest
deposit 存放: She deposited her bag in the cloakroom.
depress 使沮丧,使消沉:That movie depressed me.
deprive 剥夺,使丧失:deprive sb. of his property
derive 取得,得到:He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.
controversy(尤之以文字形式进行的争论),辨证:a point of controversy
convention(正式)会议,(定期)大会:draft a new constitution at a convention
convert转变,转化:convert coal to (into) pipeline gas
convey运送,输送,传送:a wire conveys an electric current
convict(经审讯)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪:He was convicted of smuggling
coordinate调节,协调:coordinate the functions of government agencies
cordial热情友好的,热诚的,真心的:a cordial hello(smile, invitation)
glimpse 一瞥,一看:have a glimpse of (into)sth
glitter 闪闪发亮(或发光),光彩夺目,闪耀:His language glitters with marvelous words
glory 光荣,荣誉:The soldiers hoped to win glory on the battle field
glow 发热,发光,发红:the fire glowing in the darkness
gossip 流言蜚语:give rise to gossip
govern 统治,管理:govern a nation
grace 优美:She ran well, grace in every movement
graduate (使)大学毕业:graduate from college
grant 同意,准予:grant a request
grease 油脂,动物脂:the grease spot on the envelope
heal 治愈,愈合:heal the sick
heap (一)堆:a big heap of books
hedge (矮树)树篱:a quickset hedge
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