adolescent (尤指16岁以下的)青少年 a film aimed at adolescents
advance 使向前移动 advance a chessman
advantage 有利条件,优点 Sitting Presidents hold built-in advantages when seeking another term.
adverse 不友好的,敌对的 She felt adverse to her husband’s friends.
advocate 拥护,提倡,主张 advocate self-defence
aesthetic 美学的,艺术的,审美 an aesthetic theory
affliliate 使隶属(或附属)于,使成为会员 a government affiliated company
affirm 断言,申明 affirm the truth of a statement
aggravate 加重,加剧,恶化 aggravate the declining economy
aggressive 侵犯的,侵略的 an aggressive weapon
agitate 搅动(液体等) The machine agitated the mixture.
alarm 惊恐,忧虑 The bandits scattered in alarm.
alert 警惕的,留神的 In our reading we should always be alert for new usages.
allege 断言,宣称 The newspaper alleges the mayor’s guilt.
allocate 分配,分派,把...拨给 allocate funds for new projects
allied 结盟的,有关联的 allied nations
allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱 a housing allowance
alternate 交替,轮流 Night and day alternate.
amateur (艺术,科学等的)业余爱好者 an amateur golfer
ambiguous 含糊不清的,模棱两可的 an ambiguous answer
amend 修改,修订 amend the spelling in sb.’s paper
amuse 逗乐,逗笑,给...提供娱乐(或消遣) The clown at the circus amused the children.
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