Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten years,
though, and “the second lost decade”, if not the first, is a misnomer.
词汇讲解:dispassionately 平静的,不带主观色彩的;
economic performance 经济发展状况和表现;
Misnomer 错用名称,描述不当;
Though 但是,却 (副词)
第一部分主干是祈使句:Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic
performance over the past ten years
第二部分主干是:“the second lost decade” is a misnomer.
其他成分: If not the first 其实是一个省略的用法,补全了是:
If “the first lost decade”is not amisnomer,“the second lost decade” is a misnomer.
合并同类项: “the second lost decade” , if not the first, is a misnomer.一个酷酷的用法就这样诞生了。以后就是固定用法了。
The phone weakens, if not kills, the beauty of the letter
writing .
Many people ,if not all, would come here.
参考译文:冷静地看待日本过去十年的经济发展状况,我们会发现,(为了中文行文通顺,加的内容,不影响句子本来的意思)就算称第一个十年为失去的十年是没有错的,但 “第二个失去的十年”的提法确实有失偏颇。
注释:有同学对于though 还是会纠结,其实though放在那里都可以:
though 在第二个并列句中用作副词表但是,却的意思,并且就是不要though 也是可以的,本来If not…就自带了但是的意思。
Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten
years, and though “the second lostdecade”, if not the first, is a misnomer.
Look dispassionately at Japan’seconomic performance over the past ten
years, and “the second lost decade”, ifnot the first, though,is a misnomer.
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