property [’prɔpəti] n.财产,所有权,性质 ownership [’əunəʃip]n.所有(权),所有制
embrace [im’breis] v.包括,包含,拥抱 contract [’kɔntrækt] n.合同;v.收缩
productive resources生产资料
【考点透析】并列结构not only… but also(不仅…而且)
In the American economy, (the concept of private property) embraces //[陈1] not only the ownership
状语 主语 谓语
of productive resources but also certain rights, //including the right to determine the price of a
宾语 定语
product or to make a free contract with another private individual.
【具体分析】本句的主干为The concept embraces not only … but also … (私有财产的概念不仅包含…而且包含…),其中but also certain rights(也包含某些权力)后面的部分including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with an other private individual(包括产品价格的决定权,或者和其他个人自由签订合同的权利)是修饰certain rights的定语 ,补充说明其范围。
【技巧点拨】right to 为固定搭配表示…的权力,例如Everyone has the right to live in his own way.#FormatimgID_0#(每人都有权按自己的方式生活)。
4.Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom.
cash register现金出纳机,收银机 ring up记录,打电话
more than不仅仅是 a range of一些,一系列考试用书
【考点透析】比较级more than 的用法
(Electronic cash registers )can do //much more than simply ring up sales. (They )can keep//
主语 谓语 宾语 主语 谓语
a wide range of records//, including who sold what, when, and to whom.
宾语 定语大学士考试网(www.daxueshi123。com)
【具体分析】 第一句中的由do much more than的意思是“做的不只是”,说明ring up sales(记录销售金额)只是electronic cash registers(电子现金出纳机)工作的一部分;第二句中的who sold what, when, and to whom(谁在何时把什么东西卖给了谁) 是including的宾语。
【技巧点拨】more than的本意表示“超过,多于”在不同的语境下也可以翻译成“不仅仅,不只是,非常”例如,They were more than glad to help us.(他们非常乐意帮助我们。)She was more than a student.(她不只是个学生。)
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