activist n.(政治活动的)积极分子,活动家
addict n.1.有瘾的人 2.入迷的人 vt.使成瘾,使入迷
additive n.添加剂考试用书
adhere vi.1.(to)粘附,附着 2.遵守,坚持 3.追随,支持
adhesive n.粘合剂 a.可粘着的,粘性的
adjacent a.(to)邻近的,毗连的
adjoin vt.贴近,与...毗连
adjourn v.(使)休会,(使)休庭
administer vt.1.掌管,料理...的事务 2.施行,实施 3.给予,派给,投(药)
admiral n.海军将领,舰队司令
adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的
adore vt.1.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕 2.非常喜欢
adorn vt.装饰,使生色
advent n. 出现,到来
adversary n.对手,敌手
adverse a.不利的,有害的
aerial a.1.飞机的,航空的,由飞机进行的 2.空中的,架空的 n.天线
aesthetic a.美学的, 审美的, 有审美感的
affiliate vt.使隶属于 n. 附属机构,分公司
affirm vt.1.断言,坚持声称 2.证实,确认
afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨
A Change of Heart
The anti-war activist was not surprised at all that his primary adversay,the Admiral,had been afflicted with a drug addict for a son.He was actually quite happy to find out that his enemy had such personal problems.It was the advent of a new day,however,when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight thisadverse situation.And it was clear that the Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son.
Now living in an adjacent room in a special section of a treatment center, the activist was able to adhere to the strictest methods for helping the boy fight his addiction. The activist was able to help with aesthetic changes,such as adorning the boy with clean clothes, as well as affirm the boy as his body struggled with the medical additives that would help the boy get better.
Certain events were luckily also not adhesive in the youth’s mind. This included the boys’ aerial leap from a tall building. He did not die only because he landed in the swimming pool of the adjoining building.
And now the activist was gaining the attention of his affiliates because of his honorable actions. This had never been his motive. He had only wanted to help a person in need. And, as the Admiral adjourned their weekly meeting about the boy’s progress,the activist was really happy that he had been able to make a difference in someone’s life.
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