要学好一门外语,一个艘要的条件就是:作他的奴隶!你要学英语,就做英语的奴隶, 你要学德语,就做德语的奴隶.此处奴隶的概念是广义的,即受目的语国家的控制,让你不再是原来的你!For example, we can discuss English as our sample.
1. 词汇关
你必须让你的brain being crazy or in fantasyland, often the frequency is 2 or more times.(In my experience I have experienced this horrible process for two times ---one is my first reciting turn, it lasted about 15 days; the other is the second turn, and this period lasted half of the former)During those days, I have no feeling, no human right, no my own opinion----I am a slave of English completely!
经过这重gate以后,单词就成了你的衣服,只要你经常洗一洗,保养一下----what I meant was you should read enough relevant materials (especially choosing those original works or essays)and then you will find that more repeatable a word is , more familiar you are with it.
2. The second gate/threshold is facial reading comprehension.
Many friends will complain that although they have read immense materials (maybe their statements are about the quantity of them), they still can not understand the objectives precisely, in other words, they are lame in RC.Why?因为这里有三个watchdogs再限制着你的RC(limiting your ralative RC ability):first is vocabulary.You will be puzzled that you have remembered a great deal of words,almost every one.Yes,you can understand every word,furthermore,you can spell it syllable by syllable,but you should still know that 在英语中,存在着一词多意,存在着词与词之间的特殊的组合关系----短语,惯用语, slang and motto.How can we deal with them?Here is a possible method:背完足够得单词,阅读词汇量在4000-6000的文章,培养所见即所意的感觉(maybe it can be defined as 语感).对于理解有停顿的词汇处,拿出大部头的D,looking up them from top to bottom in their entries-----LOOK OUT!You should pay more attention to their English paraphrases and comprehend their specific usage.整个这一阶段大概需要1 month.
Secondly you will meet many difficult grammar----or many complex structure in the clauses. In order to beat it you should adopt two methods, one is reading grammatical book(Yellowempire has recommended a GB written by Zhang-Dao-Zhen);the other is reciting famous compositions(or some paragraphs you are interest in)
3. Now there is a most terrible and thrilling warden will compete with you----context structure (there are many other jargons, such as logical structure, author’s trace/trait/track, coherent methods, portraying cues, and so on) .
再高级阅读中,公认的难点就在于篇章结构----同样名篇佳作好久好在内在的连接,这就要求你成为英语思维的奴隶,学习他的文化,学习他的思维, 学习它的 narrating style,以及婉转,迂回,焦点布置等等.这就要求精读,体会,领悟,神交,然后你就能够从奴隶到将军(becoming a general from a slave)统率成千上万的词汇,理清句子结构与逻辑关系,看穿洋鬼子的鬼把戏: Um.you are here,you are so !
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