petty a.1.小的,琐碎的,不重要的 2.气量小的,心胸狭窄的
pharmacy n.1.药房,药店 2.药剂学,配药
physiological a.生理的,生理学的
picket n.1.(罢工时的)纠察队,纠察队员 2.警戒队,警戒哨 vt.1.在……设置纠察线 2.派……担任纠察,布置(警卫)警戒 vi.担任纠察(或警戒哨)
picturesque a.1.美丽如画的 2.(语言)生动的,绘声绘色的
pier n.(伸入水域的)码头,突堤
piety n.虔诚,虔敬
pilgrim n.1.朝圣者 2.(在国外的)旅行者,漫游者
pineapple n.凤梨,菠萝
pinpoint vt.1.准确描述,确定,确认 2.精确地确定……的位置 n.针尖,尖端 a.十分精确的
pirate n.1.非法盗印(或复制)者,侵犯版权者 2.海盗 vt.1.以海盗的方式抢劫,抢掠 2.盗用,非法盗印(或复制)
pistol n.手枪
piston n.活塞
pitfall n.1.隐患,易犯的错误 2.陷阱,圈套
pizza n.意大利馅饼,比萨饼
plague n.1.瘟疫,鼠疫 2.灾难,祸患 vt.使痛苦(或难受),给……造成困难(或麻烦)
plank n.1.厚木板(条) 2.政纲条目,政策要点
plaster n.1.灰浆,灰泥 2.石膏 3.橡皮膏,膏药 vt.1.在……上抹灰泥,厚厚地涂抹 2.粘贴于,张贴于,贴满
plateau n.1.高原 2.(上升后的)稳定时期(或状态)
plausible a.似有道理的,似乎正确的,貌似可信的
plea n.1.恳求,请求 2.抗辩,答辩,辩护 3.借口,托辞
False Piety
It was another day on the picket line. Today we were in front of a pharmacy that supposedly sold drugs tested on animals to increase people’s physiological tolerance for pain. Well that was plausible, but no one ever heard our pleas, they just went from one petty picket line to another unable to pinpoint an overall theme to our actions. I was at a plateau on the whole picket line thing when we met a man who said that we could have a greater impact by pirating ships, using pistols, and doing something more drastic. This would get more attention as well as our faces plastered all over the TV screen and newspapers. We decided to give it a try. He never mentioned any pitfalls.
Our first and only action was on a picturesque pier in Southern California. After eating our fill of pizza and pineapples we headed to the fishing boat that we were sure caught fish and also killed dolphins in the process. Our plan was to wreck the pistons of the boat engine and then make the captain symbolically walk the plank. But we were pilgrims in this new country of activism and the police fell upon us like the plague before we had done any damage at all.
It also turned out that the man who told us to do this was an undercover policeman. All of his false piety was simply a trap to get us to do something crazy so that he could arrest us. And we had fallen for it all.
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