plead vi.1.恳求,请求 2.申诉,答辩,辩护 vt.1.为……辩护 2.提出……为理由(或借口)
plight n.困境,苦境
pluck vt.1.拔,摘,采 2.拔除……的毛 3.弹,拨,弹奏 vi.(at)拉,拽,拉扯 ?n.勇气,胆量,决心
plum n.李子,梅子 a.待遇好的
plumber n.管子工,水暖工
plume n.1.(升上空中的)一缕(烟、尘土等) 2.羽毛,羽饰
plump a.丰满的,胖乎乎的 vi.1.(down)扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下 2.(for)选定 vt.1.使扑通倒(或坐)下,蓦地摔下 2.(up)轻轻拍打使(枕头等)变得鼓起来
plunder vt.劫掠……的财物,掠夺 n.1.劫掠物,赃物 2.劫掠,抢夺
pneumonia n.肺炎
poignant a.令人痛苦的,辛酸的,惨痛的
poise n.1.稳重,镇定 2.(优美)姿势,姿态 3.平衡,平稳 vt.使平衡,使平稳,平稳地拿
poke vt.1.戳,捅 2.用……戳(或捅),把……戳向 3.伸出,突出 vi.伸出,突出? n.戳,捅
poke about/around 搜索,探问
poke fun at 拿……开玩笑,取笑
poke one’s nose into 探问,干预
polar a.1.地极的,近地极的 2.磁极的 3.正好相反的,截然对立的
polyester n.聚脂(纤维),涤纶
ponder v.思索,考虑,沉思
pony n.矮种马,小马
popcorn n.爆玉米花,炒苞米
pope n.[常the P_](天主教)教皇,罗马主教
porcelain n.瓷,瓷器
porch n.门廊
pore n.毛孔,细孔 vi.(over)仔细阅读,审视
The Lucky Plumber
The plumber had always been lucky at games. But the day he went to the carnival with the polar bear it all came to a poignant end. It started when he was poking about looking for a game to play. He had already done the pony ride, eaten popcorn, and plucked a plum from a tall tree using a feather to won a porcelain doll of the Pope. But now he was pondering if he could win a guessing game to win the polyester jacket that the game host was wearing as he sat on his porch.
When he decided to try the host began to poke fun at him that he would lose his poise and not be able to guess his weight. And he was right. The plumber was wrong with his guess. He pleaded for a second chance and even paid to guess again. When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. The plumberpoked her in the side and told her not to poke her nose into other peoples business. He was still playing and she wasn’t going to plunder the prize that he thought was his!
But the plumber just could not win the guessing game. When he finally acknowledged his plight, the pores on his skin were all worn out from sweating so much! I hear he was never the same again and that he died of the pneumonia he caught that night a few weeks later. Some people just can’t stand being down on their luck.
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