radiant a.1.容光焕发的,喜形于色的 2.光芒四射的,光辉灿烂的 3.辐射的
radiate v.1.发出(光或热),辐射 2.流露,显示
radioactive a.放射性的,有辐射能的
radius n.1.半径,半径范围 2.周围,范围
raffle n.对奖售物,抽彩vt.(off)用对奖办法出售
raft n.1.木排,木筏 2.充气救生筏,救生圈? vt.用筏子运送 vi.乘筏子渡河
ragged a.1.(衣服)破旧的,褴褛的 2.衣衫褴褛的 3.不规则的,参差不齐的,凸凹不平的 4.粗糙的,不完善的,差劲的
rake n.1.耙,草耙,钉齿耙 2.斜度,倾角 vi.1.耙 2.搜索,核查 vt.1.耙集,耙平,耙松 2.扫射,扫过
rake in 大量敛集(钱财)
rake up 1.耙集,集拢,耙开,扒开 2.翻出(旧事等)重提
ramp n.1.斜面,坡道 2.活动舷梯,轻便梯
rampant a.1.(犯罪、疾病等)猖獗的,肆虐的 2.(植物)蔓生的,过于繁茂的
ranch n.1.大牧场 2.饲养场
random a.任意的,随机的
at random 随便的,任意的
ranger n.1.国家公园管理员,护林员 2.骑兵巡逻队员
ransom n.赎金 vt.赎出,赎回
hold sb to ransom 掳某人索赎,要挟某人
rap vt.1.(轻而快地)敲击,急敲 2.(out)突然厉声说出 3.责备,训斥 n.(轻快的)敲击(声),急敲(声)
rape vt./n.****
rash a.轻率的,鲁莽的 n.1.疹,皮疹 2.(短时期内)爆发的一连串
ratify vt.正式批准,使正式生效,认可
rating n.1.等级,品级,评定结果 2.[pl.](电视节目的)收视率,(广播节目的)收听率
ration n.1.配给量,定量 2.[常pl.]给养,口粮 vt.配给供应,定量供应
rattle vi.1.发格格声,发连续短促的尖叫声 2.飞奔,咯嚓咯嚓地行进
vt.1.使碰撞作响,使发出连续短促的尖叫声 2.使窘迫不安,激怒,使恐惧惊慌
n.1.连续短促的尖叫声,碰撞声 2.连续发声的玩具,拨浪鼓
rattle off 飞快地说出
rattle on 1.飞奔 2.喋喋不休地讲话
I was rattling off reasons not to rape the woman but hold her for ransom when the Ranger burst into the room. I rapped my partner on the back with the pointed rake I was holding and he lifted his ragged head to look at the Ranger. I hoped he wouldn’t do anything rash.
"Now boys, I know you hope to rake in a large ransom for this young radiant woman. But I think I may just need to stop your rampant behavior right now and get you to come back with me to the ranch!" Said the Ranger.
"You can’t rattle us, Ranger. We got rations for weeks and a raft out back down the ramp to get away down the river. Pretty soon you won’t be able to draw a radius for the area that we might be hiding in." My partner said.
"Well then, I’ll have to rake up the mess right here and now and shoot one of you boys at random. Unless you want to rattle on and try and find a solution we can all ratify!"
"Your random shot might hit that raffle box in back and ricochet back to hit you, Ranger! Or it could hit this box of radioactive material I am carrying and we’ll all die radiating like the sun!" Said my partner as he smiled from the corner of his mouth.
"Well son. My rating of your skills just climbed. But I still can’t let you take the girl. I’ll just shoot you first!"
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