Professor Nathan Hart, from the University of Western Australia, said: ’It’s the high contrast against the water rather than the colour itself which is probably attractive to sharks. ’So you should wear perhaps more muted colours or colours that match the background in the water better.’ The researchers examined the eyes of dead sharks and found they had only one type of photoreceptor in the retina, indicating they could only see in monochrome.
来自澳大利亚的教授Nathan Hart说:“鲨鱼会对和海水颜色有明显区别的物体产生兴趣,所以,与海水相似颜色的泳衣在鲨鱼的眼中可以算是‘隐身衣’了。”据悉,研究员对死去鲨鱼的眼中的视网膜感光性能研究后发现,鲨鱼只能看得见‘单色’,眼中只有能否分辨出单一的视网膜。
The U.S. Navy has conducted tests that suggested sharks were able to see yellow most clearly. The tests had been to see what would be the best colour for the lifejackets that pilots wear in case they have to eject and splash down in the ocean. Professor Hart said it was more the high contrast of yellow, not the colour itself, that would increase the visibility for sharks. He said: ’It may be possible to design swimming attire and surf craft that have a lower visual contrast to sharks and are therefore less attractive to them.’ The study by researchers at the University of Western Australia and the University of Queensland, is to be published in the German nature journal Naturwissenschaften (Science of Nature)。
美国海军研究发现,最让鲨鱼感到“兴奋”的颜色竟然是“黄色”,这个测试是为了发现哪种颜色做的“救生衣”最容易被发现。教授 Hart 说:“并不是黄色因为其鲜艳程度高所以能被鲨鱼轻易发现,而是黄色与海水的淡蓝色形成的强烈反差效果吸引着鲨鱼。”据悉,这一系列对于海中颜色的研究大大提高了人们设计海底救生船以及救生衣的速度,这些研究已经在《德国自然杂志》上发表。
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