
考研动态 考研英语 考研政治 考研数学 专业课 模拟试题 历年真题


历年真题  时间: 2019-04-08 14:17:42  作者: 匿名 

2009 年考研英语完形填空真题解析

Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 1 the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer ’ s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright.

Intelligence, it 5 , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning — a 7 process — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they ’ ve apparently learned is when to 8 .

Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence? That ’ s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we ’ ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be. This is 12 the mind of every animal I’ve ever met.

Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14 , is running a small  scale study in operant conditioning. We believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18 , they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 20 the results are inconclusive.

1. [ A ] Suppose [ B ] Consider [ C ] Observe [ D ] Imagine

2. [ A ] tended [ B ] feared [ C ] happened [ D ] threatened

3. [ A ] thinner [ B ] stabler [ C ] lighter [ D ] dimmer

4. [ A ] tendency [ B ] advantage [ C ] inclination [ D ] priority

5. [ A ] insists on [ B ] sums up [ C ] turns out [ D ] puts forward

6. [ A ] off [ B ] behind [ C ] over [ D ] along

7. [ A ] incredible [ B ] spontaneous [ C ] inevitable [ D ] gradual

8. [ A ] fight [ B ] doubt [ C ] stop [ D ] think

9. [ A ] invisible [ B ] limited [ C ] indefinite [ D ] different

10. [ A ] upward [ B ] forward [ C ] afterward [ D ] backward

11. [ A ] features [ B ] influences [ C ] results [ D ] costs

12. [ A ] outside [ B ] on [ C ] by [ D ] across

13. [ A ] deliver [ B ] carry [ C ] perform [ D ] apply

14. [ A ] by chance [ B ] in contrast [ C ] as usual [ D ] for instance

15. [ A ] if [ B ] unless [ C ] as [ D ] lest

16. [ A ] moderate [ B ] overcome [ C ] determine [ D ] reach

17. [ A ] at [ B ] for [ C ] after [ D ] with

18. [ A ] Above all [ B ] After all [ C ] However [ D ] Otherwise

19. [ A ] fundamental [ B ] comprehensive [ C ] equivalent [ D ] hostile

20. [ A ] By accident [ B ] In time [ C ] So far [ D ] Better still


本文是一篇讲述动物智能、偏重科技的文章。此文章最先刊登在 2008 年 5 月 7 日的《纽约时报》上,原文的标题是 The Cost of Smarts ,翻译过来是“聪明的代价”。文中通过对“果蝇”的试验研究得出“聪明是要付出代价”的结论,最后提出引人深思的问题——人类是否真正意识到自己所生存的世界。




1. 【解析】[ B ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择动词,放在祈使句句首。选项 A. suppose 认为,假定; B. consider 考虑; C. observe 观察; D. imagine 想象。文章开篇指出: Research on animal intelligence always makes us wonder just how smart humans are. “对动物智慧的研究总是让我对人类到底有多聪明感到好奇”,接着举了果蝇的例子,该句要选择的动词应与上句在语义上衔接。用 consider 意为“让读者考虑一下 ( 果蝇实验 ) ”,从而引出下文,其他选项均不符合题意。

2. 【解析】[ A ] 语义衔接 / 固定搭配题。本题目选择动词 ( 过去式 ) ,与介词“ to ”构成动词短语,在句子中充当谓语。选项 A. tended to 易于,往往会……; B. feared to 害怕做某事; C. happened to 碰巧做某事; D. threatened to 威胁要做某事。 Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit flyto live shorter lives. 原文讲述的是在实验中经常发生的一种情况,即“通过训练变得更聪明的果蝇,其寿命往往比普通果蝇短”。故选 A 。

3. 【解析】[ D ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择形容词比较级,在句中作定语修饰 bulbs 。 This suggests thatbulbs burn longer, …“这让人想起……的灯泡照明时间比较长……。”上句讲到“聪明的果蝇寿命往往较短”,这句接着用灯泡作类比,承接上句语义,应该是越不亮的灯泡用的时间越长,所以选 D. dimmer 较暗的;选项 C. lighter 更亮的,与前文意思相悖; A. thinner 更薄的,更瘦的; B. stable 更稳定的;该两项均不符合题意。

4. 【解析】[ B ] 词汇辨析 / 固定搭配题。本题目选择名词,并与 in 搭配。选项 A. tendency 趋势,倾向,后面常接介词 for 或动词不定式,如: a tendency for sth. 或 a tendency to do sth.( 做 ) 某事的倾向; B. advantage 优势,后常接介词 in ,即 an advantage in sth. 在某方面具有优势; C. inclination 倾向,意愿,倾斜度,后常接介词 for 或动词不定式,即 an inclination for sth. 或 an inclination to do sth. 想做某事; D. priority 优先权,后常接 over ,如: take priority over sth./sb. ( 比某事 / 某人 ) 具有优先权。且从上下文语义来看,前面说聪明的果蝇寿命短,越不亮的灯泡用的时间越长,所以这里语义应为“不太聪明 ( 灯泡不太亮 ) 是有优势的”,故 B 为正确选项。注意, bright 在此处是一语双关,既可表示“灯泡不那么亮”,也可表示“人不那么聪明”。

5. 【解析】[ C ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目要选择动词短语,使插入语完整。从上文可知,“聪明的果蝇寿命往往较短”,以及“不太聪明是有优势的”,由此推出的结果是:聪明也是要付出代价的。 C. turn out 意为“结果是……”,把 it turns out 用作插入语,使该句与上段内容紧紧联系起来,因此选 C 。 A. insist on 坚持; B. sum up 总计,总结; D. put forward 提出。这三项均不符合题意。

6. 【解析】[ A ] 语义衔接题。本题目选择介词,体现与 the starting line( 起跑线 ) 的逻辑关系。选项 B. behind 和 C. over 可以首先排除,因为这里没有涉及空间位置关系;若选 D. along 则是“沿着起跑线徘徊”之意,这与后面的 process 意思不符;选项 A. off 有“离开”之意, slow off the starting line 表示“离开起跑线慢了”,即“起步慢了”,但仍在进步,与后文逻辑一致,故选 A 。

7. 【解析】[ D ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择形容词,做 process 的定语。破折号表示对前面内容即 learning 的解释。这里把 learning( 学习 ) 与 instinct( 本能 ) 作对比,结合前文的 slow ,以及学习自身的特点可知,只有 gradual “渐进的” 符合题意。其他三项 A. incredible 难以置信的; B. spontaneous 自发的; C. inevitable 不可避免的 ; 均不符合题意,故本题答案为 D 。

8. 【解析】[ C ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。 Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they ’ ve apparently learned is when to. “许多其他物种都能够学习,它们显然已经学会的一件事就是什么时候……学习。”由上文可知,聪明需要学习,很多物种都能够学习,但都没有变聪明,这是因为它们还学会了适时停止学习。因此选 C 。其他三项在语义上均不通。

9. 【解析】[ B ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择形容词,作定语修饰 intelligence 。由上文可知,智慧越多,付出的代价越多,因此智慧肯定是有限的,而且根据 value 也可以推断这里是关于 intelligence 多少的问题。选项 A.invisible 看不见的; C. indefinite 不确定的; D. different 不同的 ; 均与数量多少无关,只有 limited “有限的,不多的”符合题意,故选 B 。

10. 【解析】[ D ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择副词以表明逻辑关系。“ we ’ ve left in the dust I.Q.  wise ”是定语从句,修饰 the species 。 cast a glance at …意为“对……投以目光”;“ leave sb. in the dust ”是固定搭配,“将某人远远抛在后面”的意思; I.Q.  wise 是派生词,后缀  wise 表示方式,意为“在 I.Q. 方面”。这句话是说“该研究不是要我们对那些在智力方面已被人类远远抛在后面的物种投以悲怜的眼光。”人类看这些被抛在后面的物种,自然是往后看了,所以 D. backward 为正确选项, A. upward 向上; B. forward 向前; C. afterward 之后,后来 ( 表时间 ) ;该三项均不符合题意。

11. 【解析】[ D ] 语义衔接 / 词义辨析题。本题目选择名词,做宾语从句的主语。… it implicitly asks what the realof our own intelligence might be. “这项实验含蓄地提出一个问题:人类智慧的真正……可能是什么。”前文已经提到 Intelligence … is a high  priced option ,因此应选 D.costs 。选项 A.features 特征; B.influences 影响; C.results 结果,均不符合题意。

12. 【解析】[ B ] 固定搭配题。本题目选择介词,与 mind 搭配。 on one ’ s mind 或 on the mind of sb. 是固定短语,意为“有心事,总是想着”,其他三项均不能与 mind 构成固定搭配。

13. 【解析】[ C ] 固定搭配题。本题目选择动词,作为 wonder 引导的宾语从句的谓语。选择的动词应与 experiments 搭配。选项 A. deliver 递送 ;D. apply 应用;两者均不能与 experiments 搭配。若用 carry ,则为 carry out experiments ,故只能选 C. perform 执行, perform experiments 意为“做实验”。

14. 【解析】[ D ] 词汇辨析题。本题目选择介词短语在句中做插入语,表明逻辑关系。前文已经讲到作者很好奇,如果动物有机会的话,会对人类进行何种实验。本句接着说 Every cat with an owner,, is running a small  scale study in operant conditioning. “每一只有主人的猫都在进行一项有关操作性条件反射的小规模研究。”这是以 cat 为例进一步论述动物对人进行实验,因此应选择表示举例的介词短语,故选 D. for instance 例如。选项 A. by chance 偶然; B. in contrast 与……相比; C. as usual 像往常一样;均不符合题意。

15. 【解析】[ A ] 逻辑衔接题。本题目选择连词,体现句子之间的逻辑关系。由 ran , would 可知,本句使用了虚拟语气,是对动物可能对人类进行实验进行了假设,故选 A 。选项 B. unless 除非; C. as 因为; D lest 唯恐,均不符合题意。

16. 【解析】[ C ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择动词,与 limits 搭配,作为 test 的目的。选项 A. moderate 缓和; B. overcome 克服; D. reach 达到。既然作为测试的目的,应为确定某些内容,故选 C. determine, 这里是“查明,测定”的意思。

17. 【解析】[ B ] 语义衔接 / 词义辨析题。本题目选择介词,体现逻辑关系。该句承接上一句,继续论述假设动物对人类进行实验的内容。选项 A. at 表示方位 ; C. after 表示时间; D. with 表示伴随,均不符合语义,只有 B. for 表示目的,构成 what … for 符合语境,表明动物们想了解人类智慧是用来干什么的。

18. 【解析】[ A ] 逻辑衔接题。本题目选择逻辑关系词,体现前后句子之间的逻辑关系。前面两句解释了假设动物对人类进行实验会进行的的内容:它们想了解人类的某些极限,想知道人类智慧的用途。本句与前两句构成并列排比, they would hope to study aquestion “它们希望研究一个问题”,与前两句应为顺承关系,表示强调或递进,所以 B. After all 毕竟; C. However 但是; D. Otherwise 否则;三者均不符合题意,只有 Above all “首先,尤其是”符合题意。

19. 【解析】[ A ] 语义衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择形容词,作定语修饰 question 。选项 A. fundamental 基本的; B. comprehensive 综合的; C. equivalent 相等的; D. hostile 敌对的。由下文可知,这个 question 是 Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? “人类是否真正了解他们生活的这个世界?”这应该是个最基本的问题,故选 A 。

20. 【解析】[ C ] 逻辑衔接 / 词汇辨析题。本题目选择短语体现与前面句子的逻辑关系。前面句子提出一个问题,本句讲 the results are inconclusive( ……结果是不确定的 ) 。因此, 选项 C. so far “迄今为止”最符合题意, A. By accident 偶然; B In time 及时; D. Better still 更好;三者都不符合语义。






