Accreditation is a system for setting national standards of quality in education. The United States is unique in the would because its accreditation system is not administered by the government , but rather by committees of educators and private agencies, like the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Society of Engineers.
Before registering to study in any educational institution in the U.S.,a student should make certain that the institution is accredited in order to assure that the school has a recoginized standard of organization,instruction,and financial support. Foreign students should be particularly careful to check an institution's accreditation because other governments or future employers may not recognize a degree earned from a school that has not recevied accreditation.
If a college is accredited,catalogues and brochures will usually indicate the accreditation status. If you are not sure about a certain school,don't hesitate to check its requtation with an education officer at the nearest U.S. embassy.
1.The word 'unique' in line 2 most nearly means_______.
2.What school students do in order to check the accreditation of a school that may interest them?
a.Write to the school
b.Write to the U.S.Ministry of Education
c.Register to study at the school
d.Consult a U.S. embassy offical
3.From this passage, it may be concluded that an unaccredited school____.
a.does not coffer degree
b.may close because of financial disorganization
c.is administered by the government
d.is better than an accredited school
4.The title that best expresses the ideas in this passage is _____.
a.studying in the untied states
c.how to find the best school
d.the middle states association of colleges and secondary schools
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