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考研英语  时间: 2019-04-08 14:10:15  作者: 匿名 

  1.Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? I__________________(本来不必从银行借钱).
  2. We are a competitive company looking for creative people willing to work __________________(尽其所能).
  3. I have no objection__________________(再听听你的故事).
  4. Sorry I didn’t realize ____________________(这是个如此敏感的问题).
  5. If this can’t be settled reasonably ,it may be necessary to _________________(诉诸武力).


  1. needn’t have borrowed it from the bank
  2. to the best of their ability
  (本题考查惯用词组"to the best of one’s ability”,意为“尽某人所能,尽最大努力”)
  3. to hearing your story again
  (本题考查objection的用法,其通常和介词to连用,后面接动名词。Have no objection to doing sth,意为“对做某事没有意见”)
  4. it was such a sensitive issue
  (本题考查强调句型it is such a… "敏感话题”译为"sensitive issue”)
  5. resort to force
  (本题考查it is necessary to do sth, 用resort to sth 来表示“诉诸,求助于某物”)

