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考研英语  时间: 2019-04-08 14:04:24  作者: 匿名 


  1) there is no point in doing sth.
  该句型意为“做…是无济于事的/没有什么用的”。可以用very little 或not much等来代替no。其中的point是不可数名词,作“目的”、“用处”解。
  There is very little point in arguing with him.

  2) have difficulty (or trouble) in doing sth.
  该句型意为“做…有困难”。其中的in可以省略;其中的difficulty和trouble是不可数名词,不能有复数形式。也可以用there is difficulty(or trouble) in doing sth.表达相同的意思。
  There was little difficulty in finding him.

  3) keep (sb. or sth. ) busy doing sth.
  该句型意为“使…一直忙着做某事”。需注意的是虽然busy with doing sth.和busy in doing sth.都是正确的,但考题中常考busy doing sth.句型。但如果busy后面跟的是名词,则要用busy with sth.。
  We are busy preparing for the examination.

  4) feel like doing sth.
  该句型意为“想做某事”,且feel like后只能跟动名词,而不能跟动词不定式。此外,feel like后还可跟名词或代词,表示“想要某物”。
  I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him.
  I feel like beer tonight.

