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模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:10:43  作者: 匿名 


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that, on average, each person in the United States throws out about 328 pounds of edible food each year. Food bought with the best 1 sits for weeks on end as busy consumers 2 it in the refrigerator and forget about it. And when it seems time to either eat it or 3 it, most people 4 the freshness dates (a.k.a. ‘use by’, ‘sell by’, and ‘best if used by’) printed on the packages.

But, these dates don’t really. 5 food safety, nor do they mean 6 food is always bad. Poultry, seafood, and ground meats such as hamburger, have the shortest 7 lives. They should be 8 within two days of 9 if stored in the refrigerator. They last 10 six months in the freezer. Steak, beef, 11 , and other fresh-cut meats last a little longer--three to five days in the refrigerator and six months in the freezer.

The date 12 on milk products is set by the dairy. Most of the dates on dairy products are totally driven by 13 --not necessarily spoilage. In general, milk lasts five to seven days after the 14 date. Eggs generally have long shelf lives--three to five weeks from the time you take them home. Don’t 15 your eggs just because they’re past the expiration date; 16 one open first. If it still smells and looks good, 17 .

When you cook them, make sure you do so thoroughly. About  18 every 10,000 eggs contains salmonella bacteria. Thorough cooking 19 salmonella. Once cooked, a boiled, 20 egg will last a week.

1. [A] intentions[B] interests[C] explanations[D] purposes

2. [A] tick[B] tuck[C] take[D] turn

3. [A] test[B] toll[C] tease[D] toss

4. [A] decide on[B] rely on[C] comment on[D] press on

5. [A] propose[B] prolongC] guarantee[D] guar

6. [A] expired[B] exposed[C] exhausted[D] exotic

7. [A] fresh[B] expected[C] stored[D] shelf

8. [A] contained[B] consumed[C] contaminated[D] continued

9. [A] purchase[B] production[C] process[D] provision

10. [A] on to[B] next to[C] up to[D] about to

11. [A] portion[B] porch[C] port[D] pork

12. [A] engraved[B] branded[C] carved[D] stamped

13. [A] appearance[B] freshness[C] weight[D] taste

14. [A] sell-by[B] sell-after[C] use-on[D] use-after

15. [A] throw in[B] throw up[C] throw over[D] throw out

16. [A] crash[B] creep[C] crisp[D] crack

17. [A] pass away[B] run away[C] fry away[D] go way

18. [A] under[B] in[C] on[D] out

19. [A] promotes[B] kills[C] grows[D] freezes

20. [A] unpeeled[B] unprepared[C] untouched[D] unstripped

Text 14答案

1. 【答案】A

【解析】intention是“意图,意向”,interest是“兴趣,爱好”,explanation是“解释,说明”,purpose是“目的”。the best intentions是一个固定搭配,意思是“一片好心/一片好意(尤用于事情没做成时)”,所以选择A。文中这句话希望表达的意思是:消费者买食品的时候是出于良好的意愿,可是因为太忙了,把它们扔进冰箱就忘了。

2. 【答案】B


3. 【答案】D

【解析】test是“测试,化验”,toll是“向…收费”,tease是“戏弄,挑逗”,toss是“扔,抛”。因为空格前是“eat it or”,那么空格需要填的内容必然与“eat it”相对应,而整篇文章都在讨论消费者对所购买的食品的处理,所以答案明显是D,人们只能决定把食物吃了还是扔了,其它三个动词都不适用。

4. 【答案】B

【解析】decide on是“决定,选定”,rely on是“依靠,信赖”,comment on是“评论,发表意见”,press on是“使感到负担沉重,使紧迫,使窘迫”。这句话要表达的意思是:“要决定是吃还是扔的时候,人们依靠包装上印的保质期等”,所以选B。括号里出现的a. k. a. 的全称是also known as,即“又名,亦称”。

5. 【答案】C

【解析】propose是“提议,建议”,prolong是“延长”,guarantee是“保证,担保,确保”,guard是“守卫,保卫,保护”。能和food safety搭配的只有guarantee和guard,而这句话的主语是these dates,就是上文所提到的食品包装上标记的保质期等日期,these dates不能和guard搭配,因为dates无法采取保护措施,于是答案是C。这句话的意思是:“但是这些日期不能真正确保食品安全。”

6. 【答案】A


7. 【答案】D

【解析】四个选项中,只有shelf能和life组成固定搭配,shelf life是“(包装食品的)货架期,保存期限”,正好符合文章的意思,因为整篇文章都在讨论食品的保存,所以答案是D。

8. 【答案】B

【解析】contain是“包含,容纳,控制”,consume是“消耗,吃完,喝完”,contaminate是“弄脏,污染,玷污”,continue是“继续”。这里“They”是指上文的“poultry,seafood,and ground meats”,这句话要表达的意思是那些食品应该在两天内如何处理,B是唯一合适的选择。

9. 【答案】A


10. 【答案】C

【解析】onto是“了解…的情况”,next to是“紧靠…旁边”,up to是“一直到,达到,接近于”,about to是“刚要,行将”。空格后是“six months”,四个选项中能与时间搭配的是up to,所以选C。

11. 【答案】D

【解析】portion是“一部分,一份”,porch是“门廊”,port是“港口”,pork是“猪肉”。在这里出现了一个并列结构,steak,beef,待选项与other fresh-cut meats是并列的,所以选择一种肉类即可,D是合适的选项。

12. 【答案】D


13. 【答案】B


14. 【答案】A

【解析】sell-by date是“最迟销售日期”,而其他三种表达与句子意思不符,因此答案是A。

15. 【答案】D

【解析】throw in是“把…扔进”,throw up是“放弃,辞去,呕吐”,throw over是“抛弃,遗弃”,一般是指断绝(与某人的)恋爱关系,throw out是“抛出,扔掉(无用物)”。四个选项中与eggs搭配最合适的是throw out,所以选D。

16. 【答案】D

【解析】 crash是“哗啦一声砸碎”,creep是“爬行”,crisp是“使鬈,使起皱纹”,crack是 “使裂开。使破裂”。空格后的one指代egg,英语中打鸡蛋的表达法是crack an egg所以选择D。

17. 【答案】C

【解析】四个选项都有副词away,pass away是“停止,消逝,去世”,run away是“跑开,逃走”,go away是“走开,离去,逃走”,这三个都是固定的动词短语,而fry away不是固定的搭配,away是“继续不断地”,这句话的“指代egg,能与之搭配的是fry away,因此答案是C。这句话的意思是:“如果它闻起来、看上去都没问题,就把它煎了。”

18. 【答案】B


19. 【答案】B


20. 【答案】A

【解析】unpeeled是“未剥皮(或剥壳)的”,unprepared是“没有准备好的”,untouched是“未触摸过的,未受损伤的’,unstripped是“未剥的,未被剥夺的”。英语中剥鸡蛋是peel an egg,相应地,没有剥壳的鸡蛋是an unpeeled egg,所以选A。

