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模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:14:08  作者: 匿名 

81. As I know, there is _____ car in this neighborhood.

A. no such B. no a C .not such D .no such a

82. Scientists think that the continents ______always where they _____today.

A .weren’t; are B. aren’t; were

C .weren’t; are D. weren’t; were

83. — I’ d like some more cheese.

— Sorry, there’s _____left.

A. some B. none C. a little D. few

84. — How was the televised debate last night?

—Super! Rarely ___ so much media attention.

A. a debate attracted________B. did a debate attract

C. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate

85. Reality is not the way you wish things to do, nor the way they appear to be, ____ the way they actually are.

A. as B. or C. but D. and

86. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we _____ it without you.

A. can manage B. could have managed C. could manage D. can have managed

87. It is what you do rather than what you say _______ matters.

A. that B. what C. which D. this

88. The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit ___ the season.

________ A. whatever   B. wherever C. whenever D. however

89. — Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

— Thank you, ________.

A. It couldn’t be better B. Of course you can

C. If you like D. It’s up to you

90. I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book—I ____ it to you this morning!

A. would lend B. was lending C. had lent  D. lent


81 答案:A

解析: 本题检测的是no与not用法的区别.not和可数名词单数连用时,要加不定冠词a/an。no和单数名词连用时不用冠词。正确的形式是“there is no such car”或“there is not such a car”。(任志鸿,2007) no和not a相似但强调不同,试比较下列两个句子:It is not a joke这不是个笑话,It is no joke这可不是开玩笑的.

82. 答案:C

解析: 本题考查的是时态,又检查了考生对not …always的理解。句子的含义:科学家认为各大洲过去的位置并不总是和他们现在的一样.正确答案是C.

83. 答案:B

解析: 该题答案是B. 上文的语境I’d like some more cheese.可理解成为how much cheese is left? 针对询问"多少"的回答, 表"没有"常用none. A, C项与回答语中sorry不符,cheese是不可数名词,D项 few不能来修饰。

84. 答案: B

解析: 正确答案:B。近几年高考试题中,通常把seldom, hardly, rarely放句首,考查句子使用部分倒装的结构。

85. 答案:C

解析: 本题句意为:现实并不是你希望事情会是什么样的,也不是事情似乎是什么样的,而是实际上所呈现的样子。考查对not…,nor…,句意的理解,故选C项。as意为“如同,像”。 or意为“或,或者”。and意为“和,又”。

86. 答案:B

解析: 句子的意思:感谢你的辛勤工作,我想没有你,上周我们不可能完成工作。该题考查对过去的虚拟,也检测了对双重否定句的理解。由句子中的last week,可知说的是过去的事,答案为B。

87. 答案:A

解析: 此题考查的是强调句it is … that 结构,被强调部分是what you do rather than what you say 。影响该题的解答也在于理解rather than,rather than表示”而不是”,在句中是一种含蓄否定。本题的句意为:是你所做的而不是你所说的起作用/要紧。

88. 答案:A

解析: 本题考查的是语法whatever引导的让步状语从句,the season 后省略了is,完整的句子应是whatever the season is“无论是什么季节”。但是同时也检查了对other than表“除了”的理解。

89. 答案:A

解析: 答案是It couldn’t be better,意思可译为:太好了,再好不过了。此句为形式否定句。根据回答中“谢谢”可以推断回答是表示高兴的语气。

90. 答案:D

解析: 可通过时间状语this morning推测为一般过去时,A项而为过去将来时;B项为过去进行时;C项是过去完成时,与句意不符。本题实为考查时态,同时也检查学生对句子I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book的理解。近几年的高考语法与词汇题的设计中,对否定转移进行直接考查的题目很少,而是把他们放在题干中去考查其他语法或词汇。

