
考研动态 考研英语 考研政治 考研数学 专业课 模拟试题 历年真题


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:13:58  作者: 匿名 

141.His lectures on Roman history would do________ to a real expert.

A) reputation

B) glory

C) prominence

D) credit

142.I have devoted four weekends to waiting papers and mow I feel I________ a rest.

A) deserve

B) prefer

C) entitle

D) receive

143.It was the people’s courage that brought them________ the war.

A) over

B) about

C) through

D) out

144.John’s new car can________ from 10 mph to 60 mph in a few seconds.

A) facilitate

B) hurry

C) improve

D) accelerate

145.Do you know why John didn’t________ at the party yesterday evening?

A) show off

B) show down

C) show up

D) show in

146.Mary found it difficult to________ Jim’s father when he disapproved of their marriage.

A) stand by

B) stand out

C) stand up for

D) stand up to

147.I like to go to the cinema when I am in the________ for it.

A) motive

B) mood

C) mind

D) temper

148.He________ his job in order to engage in full-time writing.

A) resigned

B) withdrew

C) undertook

D) ignored

149.Darkness________ before the traveller could find shelter for the night.

A) set out

B) set back

C) set off

D) set in

150.The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have________ passport.

A) an operative

B) a valid

C) an efficient

D) an effective

151.Some young people have made a(n)________ by developing private business.

A) fund

B) wealth

C) fortune

D) estate

152.Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which___

increase the risk of heart disease.

A) in turn

B) in turns

C) by turn

D) by turns

153.It is no easy thing to________ a social reform.

A) bring out

B) bring up

C) bring about

D) bring back

154.Faced with all the difficulties, the girl________ her mother for comfort.

A) turned over

B) turned to

C) turned down

D) turned up

155.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first________ .

A) intention

B) purpose

C) attempt

D) desire

156.Look at the photo and you’ll find Susan________ her mother.

A) takes to

B) takes after

C) takes for

D) takes on

157.The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of a(an)________ case.

A) prompt

B) accidental

C) fatal

D) emergency

158.Whether right or wrong, he has some new ideas about how the lesson should be________ .

A) conducted

B) deducted

C) concluded

D) deduced

159.We should not be ignorant________ the progress being made in other countries.

A) with

B) in

C) of

D) to

160.At the discussion, the expert________ computer science raised questions of various kinds.

A) for

B) about

C) to

D) in


141.答案D.credit n.“赞扬,荣誉,功劳;信用,信誉;学分“(do sb credit;do credit to sb; relect credit on sb“使感到光荣”;give sb credit for sth“为……赞扬某人”;get credit for“因……受到好评”;lend credit to sth“使……更加可信”;take credit for sth“自称……是自己做的”;pass the test with credit“以优秀成绩通过考试”)reputation n.[u]“名声,名望,名气”glory n.“光荣,荣誉”○prominence n.[u]“名望,卓越的地位”(后面三个名词都不与do搭配)

142.答案A.deserve vt.“应得到,应受到”(如He deserved this glory/the praise/punishment.)prefer vt.“更喜欢,宁愿”(其句型请参考注2)entitle(sb to sth/to-V)vt.“给……以权利(或资格)”receive vt.“收到,得到”

143.答案C.bring sb rhrough(a crisis)“使得救,使渡过(危机),使脱离(危险”(bring sb through a serious illness/a crisis/the war)bring sb over(to our opinion)“使改变看法”bring about sth“引起,导致,实现,造成”(不说bring sb about)bring out “使显出;出版,推出”

144.答案D.accelerate v.“使)加快,(使)增速”(如Fertilizer accelerates the growth of crops; he bad weather accelerated our departure.) △facilitate vt.“使便利,使变得更容易”hurry v,“(以人作主语)赶忙,赶紧;催促,使加快”improve v.“改进,改善,变得更好”

145.答案C.show up“(根据约定)露面,到场;出现”(如He was invited, ut didn’t show up;Jerry showed up in Paris.)show off“(贬)炫耀,卖弄(财富、学问等)”show down“摊牌”(多作名词用)show in“将“使便利,使变得更容易”hurry v,“(以人作主语)赶忙,赶紧;催促,使加快”


146.答案D.stand up to“勇敢地面对,抵抗;经得起,顶得住”(如stand up to danger; The tyres stand up to rough roads.)stand by“站在“使便利,使变得更容易”hurry v,“(以人作主语)赶忙,赶紧;催促,使加快”

一边(即支持某人);袖手旁观;(士兵)已做好准备(行动)“stand out(单独用)“清晰地显出;引人注目;杰出,出色”stand up for“支持,维护,保卫”

147.答案B.mood n.[c]“心情,情绪”(如the general mood of the public;He was in a happy/bad mood; in a strange/dark/bright/cheerful mood; be in the/no mood for doing sth)motive n.“动机,目的”mind n.“思想,脑子”(不说 in the mind for sth)temper n.“脾气,情绪”(have a bad temper“脾气不好”;be in a temper“正发脾气”;be in a good temper“情绪很好”;keep one’s temper“忍住不发脾气”;lose one’s temper/be out of temper“生气,发脾气”;fly/get into a temper“突然发火”)

148.答案A.resign v.“辞职;放弃,辞去”withdraw(from)vt.“收回;撤消。撤退”undertake vt.“承担,担任;答应,同意;从事,着手做”ignore vt.“不顾,不理,忽视”

149.答案D.set in (某种不良天气)“已经开始(并要持续一段时间)”(如The rainy season has set in; The cold weather has set in.)set out“动身,启程;开始;摆出;陈述,阐明”set back“推迟,延缓,阻碍;使花费”set off“出发,启程;激起,引起”

150.答案B.valid adj.“有效的,具有法律效力的;有理的,有根据的”○operative adj.“操作的,工作着的;起作用的;有效的(药,条约)”efficient adj.“效率高的,有能力的”effective adj.“有效的,生效的”

151.答案C.fortune n.[c,u]“钱财,财产;[c]命运;[u]运气”(inherit a fortune; come into a fortune; by good fortune; leave sth to fortune)fund n.(单数)“基金,(一笔)专款;(pl)资金,储备款”wealth n.[u]“财富,财产,金钱;(a wealth of)丰富的,大量的”estate n.“地产,财产,遗产”

152.答案A.in turn “转而,反过来;依次得,轮流地”(如Theory comes from practice and in turn serves practice.)by turns“轮流;一阵……一阵;一时……一时”(注:in turns虽有,几乎不用,by turn为错误搭配,不是成语)

153.答案C.bring about“引起,导致,实现,造成”bring out“出版;推出;使显出”bring up“教育,培养(子女)”bring back“归还,带回来;使回想起”

154.答案B.turn to (for)“求助于,借助于;找……帮忙;变成”(如The always turn to me when they are in trouble; turn to a book for information; The ice turned to water.)turn over“移交;翻转;翻身;(车、船等)翻到”;(turn sth over in the mind)“仔细考虑”turn down“拒绝;关小,调低”turn up“出现,来到;开大,调大”

155.答案C.attempt n.“企图,试图”(注:名词attempt后面多根at或不定式作定语,如make an attempt to solve/at solving the problem;如果说“在做第几次尝试时”,一般用介词on,如on his first/second…attempt)intention n.“意图,目的”(没有on one’s first intention的说法)purpose n.“意图,目的”(可以说do sth on purpose“故意做某事”;没有on one’s first purpose的说法)desire n.“欲望,愿望”(可以说have a desire to-V/for sth;不说on…desire)

156.答案B.take after sb“(在外貌或性格等方面)长得像(父母或直系长辈)”take to“开始喜欢,对……产生好感;开始从事,形成……的习惯”take…for“把……当作,把……认为是”(不说take for sth)take on “承担,从事;(开始)雇用;呈现,具有;同……较量,接受……的挑战”

157.答案D.emergency n.“紧急情况,不测事件,非常时刻”(参见注102)prompt adj.“敏捷的,及时的,迅速的”accidental adj.“意外的,偶然(发生)的”fatal adj.“致命的;毁灭性的”

158.答案A.conduct vt.“处理,管理,进行;指挥,引导;传导(热、电、声、光等)”△deduct(from) vt.“减去,扣除”conclude vt.“推断出,推论出;结束”△deduce vt.“推论,推断;演绎”


160.答案D.an expert in/at/on“专家,能手“(expert作名词后面跟in表示学科或领域,跟at表示具有某种特殊技能的专家,跟on表示对某方面有专门研究;某方面的专家还可以用名词或形容词作定语修饰expert,如a chess expert;an X-ray expert;an agricultural expert;expert后面不跟其它三个介词;expert作形容词表示“熟练的,内行的”,后面也跟介词in/at)

