
考研动态 考研英语 考研政治 考研数学 专业课 模拟试题 历年真题


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:13:56  作者: 匿名 

261.You will never get________ with all your homework tonight.

A) on

B) away

C) through

D) off

262.You know how hard it is to profit________ anybody’s experience.

A) by

B) for

C) with

D) on

263.This is the________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.

A) original

B) genuine

C) real

D) actual

264.My brother likes eating very much but he isn’t very________ about the food he eats.

A) special

B) peculiar

C) particular

D) unusual

265.We are sorry to arrive late, but the car________ halfway for no reason.

A) broke off

B) broke up

C) broke down

D) broke out

266.The government is determined________ prohibiting the possession of handguns or other weapons by civilians.

A) concerning

B) with regard for

C) in regard with

D) as regards

267.Charles has not the least________ of giving up his research.

A) intention

B) idea

C) play

D) desire

268.Today, housework has been made much easier but electrical________ .

A) facilities

B) appliances

C) instruments

D) equipment

269.Canned foods are________ with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them.

A) usual

B) welcome

C) desirable

D) popular

270.Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not________ close examination.

A) face up to

B) make up to

C) stand up to

D) look up to

271.The gloves were really too small, and it was only by________ them that I managed to get them on.

A) stretching

B) squeezing

C) extending

D) spreading

272.________ My car is being made ready for a long journey.

A) In a moment

B) At the moment

C) For the moment

D) For a moment

273.The Chinese Red Cross________ a generous sum to the relief fund for the physically disabled.

A) assigned

B) endowed

C) allocated

D) contributed

274.The students________ their thanks to Professor Davis by presenting him with a parting gift.

A) extended

B) offered

C) expressed

D) indicated

275.His few personal belongs made it possible for him to move from place to place________ .

A) with ease

B) at ease

C) in ease

D) with easiness

276.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and________ in a quiet environment.

A) all in all

B) first of all

C) after all

D) above all

277.These plastic flowers look so________ that many people think they are real.

A) beautiful

B) natural

C) comparable

D) similar

278.His face gave him________ when he told a lie.

A) off

B) up

C) away

D) out

279.We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield________ any military threat.

A) for

B) in

C) toward

D) to

280.Their plans for a big party________ .

A) fell through

B) fell away

C) fell off

D) fell apart


261.答案C.get through with sth “干完,完成” get on with“继续进行”get away with“(做了坏事不受惩罚)被放过” get off with“(受到一点惩罚)被放过;(受点损失)避免了大祸”

262.答案A.profit by/from“受益于,得益于”(profit作及物动词表示“对……有益处”,后面不跟其它三个介词)

263.答案D.actual adj.“实际的,事实上的,真实的”original adj.“起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的”genuine adj.“真的,非人造的;真诚的,真心的”real adj.“真的,真实的;实际的,现实的”(注:genuine和real都强调是真的,不是假的,而actual强调的是实际的,事实上的)

264.答案C.particular (about) adj.“过分讲究的,挑剔的” special adj.“特殊的,专门的”(一般作定语修饰事物,不作表语修饰人)peculiar adj.“古怪的,奇怪的;特殊的,独特的”unusual adj/“不平常的,少有的;与众不同的,独特的”

265.答案C。break down“坏掉,出故障”break off“中止;停止,停下来(休息)”break up“打碎,粉碎;终止,结束”break out“爆发,突然出现;逃脱,逃走”

266.答案D。as regards “关于,至于”(regards在此属于动词,一般现在时第三人陈单数,as 是代词,但在长期的使用过程中as regards 逐渐变成了一个固定成语,起介词短语的作用,相当于in/with regard to,不管句子的谓语使用什么时态,as regard永远不变)concerning prep.“关于”(注:concerning一般放在名词后面作定语,如He spoke of the difficulty concerning Vesta;her feeling concerning the arrival of Sophia;偶尔用在句首,这时可用as regards代替)(with regard for和in regard with不是成语)

267.答案A.have not the least intention of-ing“一点也不打算……”have not the least idea of“对……一点也不了解”(名词desire后面习惯上多要求跟不定式或介词for短语作定语,或跟that同位语从句)

268.答案B.appliance n.[c]“器具,器械,装置”(electrical appliances“家用电器”)facility n.“便利,容易;(pl)设备,设施”instrument n.[c]“(科学)仪器;器械;乐器”equipment n.“装备,设备,器材”(注:equipment在英国英语中多作不可数名词,在美国英语中可用复数形式)

269.答案D.popular(with sb) adj.“广受欢迎的,有名的;流行的,通俗的,大众的”usual adj.“通常的,平常的”welcome adj.“受欢迎的”;be welcome to“欢迎到……来”(作形容词不说welcome with)desirable adj.”(定语或表语)可取的;值得期望的,值得拥有的“(在句型It is desirable that…中,从句谓语需用虚拟语气)

270.答案C.stand up to“经受得起,顶得住;勇敢地面对,抵抗”(参见146注)face up to“大胆面对”make up to(sb)“向……讨好,拍……马屁,向……献殷勤”look up to(sb)“尊敬”

271.答案A.stretch vt.“拉长”squeeze vt.“用力挤压;压榨;压缩,减少”extend vt.“延长,延伸;扩大,扩充;致(敬意、感谢、慰问等);给予”spread vt.“摊开,伸开;涂,敷;散步,传播”

272.答案B.at the moment“此时,此刻,目前”in a moment“立即,马上,一会儿”for the moment“暂时,目前”for a moment“一会儿”;not for a moment“一刻也不,一点也不,绝不”

273.答案D.contribute(to) vt.“捐献,捐助,贡献;(向报刊)投稿”(如He contributed $50 to the charity fund every payday;He did not contribute one idea to the discussion;I contribute to magazines sometimes;Fresh air contributes to good health.)assign vt.“分配,布置(作业、任务等);指派,选派”(句型:assign sb sth;assign sth to sb;assign sb to-V)△endow vt.“资助,向……捐赠;(天然)给予,赋予”(注:endow表示“资助、捐赠”时后面以医院、学校作宾语,不以钱作宾语;表示“给予、赋予”时一般指“使具有某种天赋”)△allocate vt.“分配,分派,把……拨给”

274.答案C。express vt.“表示,表达”extend vt.“致,给予”(多以welcome/sympathy/invitation/congraulations/greetings/best regards/help等作宾语)(注:express可以说“以……方式表示感谢”而不说extend one’s thanks by-ing)(一般不说offer one’s thanks to sb;也不说indicate one’s thanks to sb)

275.答案A.with ease“毫不费劲地,轻而易举地”(be)at ease“自在,随便,不拘束”(ease 作名词还有下面两个有用的短语:put/set sb at ease“使above all“首先,首要地,尤其是”all in all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”不拘束,使above all“首先,首要地,尤其是”all in all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”不安心“;be ill at ease“不安,感到拘束”)(in case 和with easiness不是成语)

276.答案D.above all“首先,首要地,尤其是”all in all“总的说来;总共”first of all(用于列举)“首先”after all“毕竟;到底,还是”

277.答案B.natural adj.“天然的,自然的,正常的”beautiful adj.“美丽的,漂亮的”comparable adj.“比得上的(to);可比较的,类似的(with)”similar (to)adj.“类似的”

278.答案C.give away “(有意或无意地)泄露,暴露(秘密);分发,赠送”give off“释放,放出”give up“辞去;放弃;停止”give out“分发”

279.答案D.yield(to) vi.“屈服,屈从;倒塌,垮掉”;vt.“生产;让出,放弃”(如We yielded to their argument;The small chair yielded under his weight;That tree yielded plenty of fruit;He yielded all his possessions to the state.)(yield后面不跟其他三个介词)

280.答案A.fall through“(一般指计划、工程、交易、协议等)失败,落空,没成功,没能实现:(如The whole plan/The scheme/The project/The bargain/The contract fell through.)fall away”(产量、人数等)(逐渐)下降,降低,减少;脱离,离开“fall off”(数量)减少;(质量)下降,(水平)降低“fall apart”散开;垮掉;崩溃“

