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模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-08 16:35:28  作者: 匿名 

PartⅠClose test

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. (10points)

An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness in the ordinary sense, for that is a born quality 1 our control. The leader has, nevertheless, to be a magnet; a central figure towards whom people are 2 .Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, 3 being seen. There is a type of authority which can be 4 from behind closed doors, but that is not leadership. 5 there is movement and action, the true leaders is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the 6 for anecdotes, whether true or 7 ; character. One of the simplest devices is to be absent 8 the occasion when the leader might be 9 to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about the vital business 10 has detained him. To 11 up for this, he can appeal when least expected, giving rise to another story about the interest he can display 12 things which other folks might 13 as trivial. With this gift for 14 curiosity the leader always combines a reluctance to talk about himself. His interest is 15 in other people he questions them and encourages them to talk and then remembers all 16 is relevant. He never leaves a party 17 he has mentally field a minimum dossier(档案) on 18 present, ensuring that he knows 19 to say when he meets them again. He is not artificially extrovert but he would usually rather listen 20 talk. Others realize gradually that his importance needs no proof。

1. A. in B. beyond C. under D. of

2. A. united B. dragged C. drawn D. haul

3. A. at B. in C. about D. on

4. A. looked B. recognized C. exercised D. respected

5. A. Where B. Though C. Because D. When

6. A. minor role B. subject C. joke D. supplement

7. A. incorrect B. wrong C. false D. bad

8. A. in B. on C. at D. under

9. A. refused B. suspected C. expelled D. expected

10. A. which B. when C. what D. where

11. A. take B. make C. come D. give

12. A. on B. in C. about D. at

13. A. look B. think C. view D. deal

14. A. decreasing B. possessing C. inspiring D. urging

15. A. directly B. obscurely C. scarcely D. plainly

16. A. which B. that C. what D. one

17. A. after B. when C. until D. before

18. A. someone B. everyone C. men D. one

19. A. when B. where C. which D. what

20. A. and B. or C. than D. but

PartⅡReading Comprehension


Directions: There are 4 passages in this part .Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET。(40points)

Passage One

As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, there is far more to a family meal than food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying 50 families to find out just how much more。

Lewis and his co-workers carried out their study by videotaping the families while they ate ordinary meals in their own homes. They found that parents with small families talk actively with each other and their children. But as the number of children gets larger, conversation gives way to the parents’ efforts to control the loud noise they make. That can have an important effect on the children. “In general the more question-asking the parents do, the higher the children’s IQ scores,” Lewis says. “And the more children there are, the less question-asking there is. ”

The study also provides an explanation for why middle children often seem to have a harder time in life than their siblings. Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner conversation is likely to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. “Middle children are invisible,” says Lewis. “When you see someone get up from the table and walk around during dinner, chances are that it’s the middle child. ” There is, however, one thing that stops all conversation and prevents anyone from having attention: “When the TV is on,” Lewis says, “dinner is a non-event. ”

21. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to 。

A. show the relationship between parents and children

B. teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner table

C. report on the findings of a study

D. give information about family problems

22. Parents with large families ask fewer questions at dinner because 。

A. they are busy serving food to their children B. they are busy keeping order at the dinner table C. they have to pay more attention to younger children D. they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family 23. By saying “Middle children are invisible” in paragraph 3, Lewis means that middle children 。

A. have to help their parents to serve dinner B. get the least attention from the family C. are often kept away from the dinner table D. find it hard to keep up with other children 24. Lewis’ research provides an answer to the question 。 A. why TV is important in family life B. why parents should keep good order C. why children in small families seem to be quieter D. why middle children seem to have more difficulties in life 25. Which of the following statements would the writer agree to? A. It is important to have the right food for children。 B. It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner。 C. Parents should talk to each of their children frequently。 D. Elder children should help the younger ones at dinner

Passage Two

Taiwan police cannot decide whether to treat it as an extremely clever act of stealing or an even cleverer cheat (诈骗). Either way, it could be the perfect crime (犯罪), because the criminals are birds-horning pigeons!

The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car: if you want the car back, pay up then. The car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off。

There have been at least four such pigeon pick-ups in Changwa. What at first seemed like the work of a clever stay-at-home car thief, however, may in fact be the work of an even lazier and more inventive criminal mind-one that avoids (避免)not only collecting money but going out to steal the car in the first place. Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has played a double trick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return. Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-owner to place an ad (启事) in the newspaper asking for help。

The theory is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned. Also, the amount of money demanded-under 3,000 Taiwanese dollars-seems too little for a car worth many times more。

Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story. And even if they start again, Chen holds little hope of catching the criminal. “We have more important things to do,” he said。

26. After the car owner received a phone call, he 。

A. went to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carried

B. gave the money to the thief and had his car back in a park

C. sent some money to the thief by mail

D. told the press about it

27. The “lazier and more inventive” criminal refers to 。

A. the car thief who stays at home

B. one of those who put the ads in the paper

C. one of the policemen in Changwa

D. the owner of the pigeons

28. The writer mentions the fact that “none of the stolen cars have been returned” to show 。

A. how easily people get fooled by criminals

B. what Chen thinks might be correct

C. the thief is extremely clever

D. the money paid is too little

29. The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to 。

A. criminals B. pigeons

C. the stolen cars D. demands for money

30. We may infer from the text that the criminal knows how to reach the car owners because 。

A. he reads the ads in the newspaper

B. he lives in the same neighborhood

C. he has seen the car owners in the park

D. he has trained the pigeons to follow them

Passage Three

Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year-old daughter, Maureen. With a checklist of criteria in hand, the Dallas family looked around the country visiting half a dozen schools. They sought a university that offered the teenager’s intended major, one located near a large city, and a campus where their daughter would be safe。

“The safety issue is a big one,” says Joe Mahoney, who quickly discovered he wasn’t alone in his worries. On campus tours other parents voiced similar concerns, and the same question was always asked: what about crime? But when college officials always gave the same answer-“That’s not a problem here,” Mahoney began to feel uneasy。

“No crime whatsoever?” comments Mahoney today. “I just don’t buy it. ” Nor should he: in 1999 the U. S. Department of Education had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on or around our campuses. “Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college,” says David Nichols, author of Creating a Safe Campus. “Campus crime mirrors the rest of the nation. ”

But getting accurate information isn’t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. “The truth may not always be obvious,” warns S. Daniel Carter of Security on Campus, Inc, the nation’s leading campus safety watchdog group。

To help concerned parents, Carter promised to visit campuses and talk to experts around the country to find out major crime issues and effective solutions。

31. The Mahoneys visited quite a few colleges last August 。

A. to express the opinions of many parents

B. to choose a right one for their daughter

C. to check the cost of college education

D. to find a right one near a large city

32. It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges 。

A. receive too many visitors

B. mirror the rest of the nation

C. hide the truth of campus crime

D. have too many watchdog groups

33. The underlined word “buy” in the third paragraph means 。

A. mind B. admit

C. believe D. expect

34. We learn from the text that “the honest ones” in the fourth paragraph most probably refers to colleges 。

A. that are protected by campus security

B. that report campus crime by law

C. that are free from campus crime

D. that enjoy very good publicity

35. What is the text mainly about?

A. Exact campus crime statistics。

B. Crimes on or around campuses。

C. Effective solutions to campus crime。

D. Concerns about kids’ campus safety。

Passage Four

One of Britain’s bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected (可疑的) police killer David Bieber—and was thanked with flowers by the police. It was also said that she could be in line for a share of up to the £30,000 reward money。

Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in ending the nationwide manhunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible experience when she had to steal into Bieber’s bedroom and to watch him secretly. Then she waited alone for three hours while armed police prepared to storm the building。

She said: “I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen lined up in the car park I was so glad they were there. ”

The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious (怀疑) of the guest who checked in at 3 pm the day before New Year’s Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face. She said: “He didn’t seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact (接触). ” Vicki, the only employee on duty, called her boss Margaret, 64, and husband Stan McKale, 65, who phoned the police at 11 pm。

Officers from Northumbria Police called Vicki at the hotel in Dunston, Gateshead, at about 11:30 pm to make sure that this was the wanted man. Then they kept in touch by phoning Vicki every 15 minutes。

“It was about ten past two in the morning when the phone went again and a policeman said ’Would you go and make yourself known to the armed officers outside?’ My heart missed a beat. ”

Vicki quietly showed eight armed officers through passages and staircases to the top floor room and handed over the key。

“I realized that my bedroom window overlooks that part of the hotel, so I went to watch. I could not see into the man’s room, but I could see the passage. The police kept shouting at the man to come out with his hands showing. Then suddenly he must have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed (带上手铐). ”

36. The underlined phrase “be in line for” (paragraph 1) means 。

A. get B. be paid C. ask for D. own

37. Vicki became suspicious of David Bieber because 。

A. the police called her

B. he looked very strange

C. he came to the hotel with little luggage

D. he came to the hotel the day before New Year’s Eve

38. Vicki’s heart missed a beat because 。

A. the phone went again

B. she would be famous

C. the policemen had already arrived

D. she saw 20 policemen in the car park

39. David Bieber was most probably handcuffed in 。

A. the passage B. the man’s room

C. Vicki’s bedroom D. the top floor room

40. The whole event probably lasted about hours from the moment Bieber came to the hotel to the arrival of some armed officers。

A. 6 B. 8 C. 11 D. 14


Directions:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For questions41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A~G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps。(10points)

Researchers have found that drugs used to treat human seizures can delay aging in worms by as much as 50 percent. The roundworms used for the study are similar to humans in their molecular makeup, raising the

possibility that the drugs could also extend the life span of humans。


“By finding a class of drugs that delays aging we have found a relationship between the function of the nervous system and aging that was not well understood, ” said Kerry Komfeld, a geneticist at the Washington

University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. The findings are detailed this week in the journal Science。

The discovery came out of the thesis work by one of Komfeld’s graduate students, Kimberley Evason. About four years ago, Evason began exposing groups of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans to commercially available drugs to see if the drugs would delay aging or promote longevity。


Over eight months the scientists tested 20 drugs, all with negative results. Finally they tested the anticonvulsant drug ethosuzimide. Researchers found that the drug extended the life span of roundworms from 16. 7 days to 19. 6 days, a 17 percent increase。


The discovery that the drugs extend the life span of roundworms could have important implications fox human aging as well. There are strong similarities on the molecular level between the proteins and genes that

constitute the worm and those that make up other animals, including humans。

“Many basic processes are highly related, including neural function, insulin signaling, and probably important aspects of the aging process, ” Komfeld said. “There’s every reason to think that these animals an a good model for higher animals, such as people. ”


Ethosuzimide, which was developed in the 1950s, is commonly used to treat epilepsy, though it is no known precisely how the drug controls convulsions. There is no anecdotal evidence that it has had an anti-aglng effect in people. The next step, Komfeld says, is to test if the drugs have an anti-aging effect on animal like flies and mice。

Very little is known about the aging process. From genetic analysis, researchers have found that an in sulin-like signaling system regulates aging and longevity. A good diet can delay aging and extend a person life span. But scientists know virtually nothing about the effect of drugs on aging. “It’s a big void, ” Konfeld said。

In addition to delaying age-related degenerative changes, the drugs also increased neuromuscular activty, suggesting a link between the neuromuscular system and the aging process。


There may also be other targets not yet explored that affect aging and neuromuscular function. Said Kornfeld: “The process of aging remains mysterious. ”

A. But Komfeld said scientists will not know about the applicability of the drugs in humans until a similar study is done on humans. “What’s very encouraging is that these drugs were developed to treat humans, and they are well understood, because they’ve been used for a long time, ” he said。

B. Later the scientists discovered that two related anticonvulsant drugs also lengthened the lives of the worms-in the case of one drug, by almost 50 percent. “This was a big surprise to use, Komfeld said. ”“We didn’t think anticonvulsant drugs had any particular relationship to aging. That connection was completely unexpected. ”

C. Roundworms are a poor subject for experiments, because they are not like humans, even though their molecules are similar. For example, they have no bones, nor do they show emotions, making it difficult to know how exactly human subjects would react to these drugs in large quantities. However, using the worms allows experiments to be conducted quickly, because they do not live for long。

D. “Somehow the neural activity seems to regulate the aging of all of the body the skin, musculature, and reproductive tract, ” Kornfeld said. “Somehow the nervous system coordinates the progress of all these tissues, evidently, though the life stages. But we don’t know how it does that. ”

E. The discovery may also shed light on the little-understood aging process. Since the drugs act on the neuromuscular systems of both humans and worms, the findings hint at a link between neural activity and aging。

F. Unlike vertebrates, the worms are ideal subjects for the study of aging because of their short life spans, which last only a couple of weeks in a laboratory. The worm is well known in genetics, and the worm’s genome has been sequenced。

G. Use of this drug has been permitted by law since 1998 and wider use is now expected as a result of the studies. “We can clearly link this drug with human aging, but we still need to find proof, says Kornfeld optimistically. ”

PartⅢ Translation

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET。(15points)

Last Sunday,China’s central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said if necessary,the nation will consider widening the yuan’s trading band。

But any change in the yuan’s floating band will depend on the global economic situation and it’s not the only tool the country would use to make its currency more flexible,Zhou said at the Group of 20 meeting in Cape Town,South Africa。

China widened the yuan’s daily trading band against the U.S. dollar from plus or minus 0. 3 percent to 0. 5 percent in May。

However,market observers said some commercial banks are ordered by the central bank to hand in reserve requirements in foreign currencies next week,which will translate into demand for the U.S. dollar. This will somehow help slow down RMB’S appreciation against the greenback in the coming few days。

PartⅣ Writing

Section A

Directions: Write a letter of application for the position an Director of a Computer-Aided Learning Center. Try to make the letter interesting and show that you have enthusiasm for the job. Also state the qualifications you have for the job and your work experience. (10points)

Section B

Directions:Study the following pie chart carefully and write an essay based on the tips:

(1) Describe the picture。

(2) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below。

(3) Give your opinions or advice。

You should write at least 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (15points)

PartⅠClose test

1. [答案]B [解析]本题测试词义搭配。本句译文:领导艺术的一个最重要的因素是吸引力。这不是指普通意义上的吸引力,因为那是一种我们无法控制的天生的品质。beyond one’s control意为“无法控制,在控制力之外”; be in control of意为“持有对……的控制力”;under control意为“在……的控制之下,得到控制”。

2. [答案]C [解析]本题测试同义词辨析。本句译文:然而,领导者必须是一块磁石,一位能把他人吸引到身边的中心人物。draw to/towards意为“吸引”;drag意为“拖拽,(工作、时间)缓慢而协调地进行”;haul意为“用力拖拉”;unite意为“联合”。

3. [答案]D [解析]本题测试惯用搭配。考查词组depend on。

4. [答案]C [解析]本题测试词义搭配。本句译文:在紧闭的门后施展权威,体现不出领导能力。exercise authority(use authority)意为“行使权威”;recognize意为“认出”;respect意为“尊敬”。

5. [答案]A [解析]本题测试结构搭配。where引导一个地点状语从句,其他选项不符合句意。

6. [答案]B [解析]本题测试逻辑性词义搭配。本句译文:他必须是一个传奇人物、奇闻轶事(不管是真是假)的中心主题、一个重要角色。subject意为“主题”。

7. [答案]C [解析]本题测试逻辑性词义搭配。or表示前后词的意思并列,在这应互为反义词,所以选false。注意:wrong和right对应;bad和good对应。

8. [答案]B [解析]本题测试惯用搭配。本句译文:最简单的策略之一是在众人期盼的场合下缺席,这足以引起谣言,谈论到底是什么重要的事把领导耽搁住了。on the occasion意为“在……场合下/情况下”。

9. [答案]D [解析]本题测试逻辑性词义搭配。译文:当某领导被大家……的时候,他缺席了,这足以引起谣言,揣测他耽搁的原因。所以是领导“该出席没出席”,只能选expect“期待,盼望”。refuse意为“拒绝”,suspect意为“怀疑”,expel意为“驱逐”,三个选项均不合题意。

10. [答案]A [解析]本题测试句法分析。后面的定语从句修饰the vital business,而从句中缺少一个主语,因此只能选择which。when和where分别表示时间和地点,作状语不能作主语;what不能引导定语从句。

11. [答案]B [解析]本题测试惯用搭配。本句译文:为了补偿这次缺席的影响,他在最意想不到的场合出现,引起另一轮关于他的兴趣的猜测,人们会认为他在其他人认为琐碎的事情上显示出兴趣。make up for意为“补偿;弥补”。

12. [答案]B [解析]本题测试惯用搭配。display/show/express interest in sth. 意为“对……显示出兴趣”。

13. [答案]C [解析]本题测试词义搭配。view sth.as(regard sth.as)意为“把……认为/当作……”。其他选项在搭配上均错。注意错误选项B,当变成think of…as时与regard…as同义。

14. [答案]C [解析]本题测试逻辑性词义搭配。相关译文:“此领导具有激发他人好奇心的天赋,但不愿谈论自己。他的兴趣显然在别人身上:他向下属提问,鼓励他们交谈,然后记住所有的相关信息。”inspire意为“激励”。curiosity意为“好奇心”,possess意为“拥有”,decrease意为“减少”,均不符合题意。urge意为“力劝;驱策”,与上文的语气不符。

15. [答案]D [解析]本题测试逻辑性词义搭配。由上文“这位领导不愿意谈论自己”分析出此句为“他的兴趣在他人”。只有plainly意为“显然地”为正确答案。scarcely意为“简直不/一定不”;obscurely意为“模糊地,含糊难解地”。

16. [答案]B [解析]本题测试结构搭配。在定语从句中,先行词为特殊词时,后面只能用关系代词that引导,不用which,所以that为正确答案。

17. [答案]C [解析]本题测试结构搭配。相关译文:直到他在头脑中已经整理好了在场每个人的微型档案后才会离开人群,确信知道下次再遇到他们时要讲什么。

18. [答案]B [解析]本题测试逻辑性词义搭配。前面已提到“他记住所有他人的相关信息”,所以选与之对应的everyone,“头脑中形成在场每个人的微型档案”。

19. [答案]D [解析]本题测试结构搭配。D正确,what是兼为先行词的关系代词,等于the thing(s) which。

20. [答案]C [解析]本题测试结构搭配。本句译文:他骨子里是一位具有外向性格的人,但是他宁愿多听取他人的想法,而不是自己喋喋不休。“would rather…than…”意为“宁可……也不……”。

PartⅡReading Comprehension SectionA

21. [答案]C [解析]主旨大意题。

22. [答案]B [解析]文章第二段提到conversation gives way to the parents’ efforts to control the loud noise they make. 故正确答案应该选择B。

23. [答案]B [解析]文章第三段提到 Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner conversation is likely to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. 可以看出老大和老小都是谈话的焦点,只有中间的孩子是被人忽视的。

24. [答案]D [解析]推理判断题。Lewis的研究表明中间的孩子不受重视,可以推断出这对他们将来的生活会造成一定的影响。

25. [答案]C [解析]对错判断题。A原文没有提到,B和D可以用排除法排除。 Passage2

26. [答案]A [解析]细节题。从文章第二段The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car: if you want the car back, pay up then, the car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off. 可以选出正确答案。

27. [答案]D [解析]考点:短语理解题。

28. [答案]B [解析]文章第三段提到Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has pulled a double trick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return. 故正确答案应该选择B。

29. [答案]D [解析]考点:代词的指代。按照就近原则去找。前面提到Demands for pigeon-delivered money故正确答案应该选择D。

30. [答案]A [解析]文章第三段提到Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-owner to place an ad (启事) in the newspaper asking for help. 故正确答案应该选择A。 passage3

31. [答案]B [解析]从文章首段首句Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year-old daughter可以看出正确答案。

32. [答案]C [解析]文章第四段提到But getting accurate information isn’t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. 可以看出正确选项。

33. [答案]C [解析]考点:词汇题。做题原则:一一把选项带入原文。

34. [答案]B [解析]细节推理判断题。

35. [答案]D [解析]主旨大意题。Safety是本篇文章的中心词。 Passage4

36. [答案]A [解析]词汇题。根据上下文是她可能会得到这个奖赏,be in line for 意为“有可能获得……”

37. [答案]B [解析]事实细节题。 第四段“The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious (怀疑) of the guest who checked in at 3 pm the day before New Year’s Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face. ” She said: “He didn’t seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact (接触). ”中综述了Vicki认为的所有的疑点,选项C和D只是片面的。

38. [答案]C [解析]事实细节题。根据第六段‘Would you go and make yourself known to the armed officers outside?’. 可知警察已经到了,因此选项C为正确答案。

39. [答案]A [解析]事实细节题。根据最后一段Vicki 说 “I could not see into the man’s room, but I could see the passage. … Then suddenly he must have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed (带上手铐). ”

40. [答案]C [解析]事实细节题。通过第四段可找到Bieber进宾馆的时间是3pm,根据倒数第三段可知警察到达的时间是凌晨2点10分,因此正确答案为C。 SectionB [参考译文] 研究者们最近发现治疗人类突发性疾病的药对于延长人类的寿命也有帮助。研究者们对蛔虫使用了这种药,结果发现蛔虫的寿命增加了50%。使用蛔虫作为研究对象是非常有意义的,因为蛔虫在很多重要方面与人类都颇为相似,尤其是在基因和蛋白质的构成方面。研究中使用的药物已经在人类的实际生活中被使用过了,特别是抗癫痫药。这种药同样也会增加蛔虫的神经肌肉活动,研究者们认为这种活动与延缓衰老同样有着某种联系。

41. [答案]E [解析]空前文字提出了文章的主题,也就是概括性地介绍了文章的内容:“一项研究表明治疗人类突发性疾病的药物能延缓虫子的衰老,由于人类的分子结构与虫子相似,所以有可能这种药物也能延缓人类的衰老”。只有选项E继续概括性地介绍了文章的内容:“这项研究同样也表明神经肌肉活动与衰老有关系”。

42. [答案]F [解析]空前文字概括介绍了Evason的实验,只有选项F非常清楚地描述了实验对象,并说明为什么使用这个实验对象的原因。这实际上都是介绍实验的一部分。

43. [答案]B [解析]空前文字一直提到实验的进程和结果,选项B进一步提到了这次实验的结果。同现原则,这一空的正确选项应该是B。

44. [答案]A [解析]空前文字提到:“有理由相信这种实验结论对更高级的动物,如人类,也同样适用”。所以这一空应该继续谈到实验结果对人类究竟是不是适用的问题。选项A提到:“但是科学家们目前还不知道究竟对人类是不是适用,除非也在人类身上做相同的实验”。显然,选项A最合适。

45. [答案]D [解析]空前文字提到了另一个问题:神经肌肉活动与延缓衰老的问题;只有选项D继续提到了这个问题,所以选D。 选项C:该选项指出:“蛔虫实际上并不是理想的实验对象,因为蛔虫不是人类,尽管两者分子结构相同。”显然,这个选项与原文主旨完全背离。连实验对象都是错误的话,文章的结论就更加不可能是正确的。这个选项应该排除。 选项G:该选项指出:“这种药物已经用于延缓人类衰老了,虽然还需要更多的证据来证明这种药物真的会起作用”。这种论点显然是不对的;没有做过实验怎么能够就冒然使用呢?而且与文中提到的“目前还没有在人类身上做实验”这一点完全相左。这个选项也是明显的干扰选项。

PartⅢ Translation [范文]



五月,中国人民币对美元汇率的日波幅从±0. 3%扩大到±0. 5%。


PartⅣ Writing Section A [范文]

March 12, 2004 Dear Sir:

I read with interest your advertisement in the Communications of the A.C.M for the position of Director of the new Computer-Aided Learning Center being set up by Ray Conwell Co., Inc. RCC has a reputation for producing high-quality products such as the Mandolin Network System. I am interested in joining such a professional organization。 As you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work has included supervision of software product development as well as extensive work in computer-aided learning. Although my educational training concentrated on theoretical computer science, my current interests lie more in applications of computer science principles to produce viable products。 My years of studying and teaching in the university setting have given me a good knowledge of pedagogical process. I look forward to the opportunity to apply this in the development of a state-of-the-art CAL system. My previous experience in systems design work makes me confident that I could make a valuable contribution to Ray Conwell Co., Inc。 I am looking forward to your reply。 Sincerely Yours, Merwin. D. Kresh Section B [范文]

From the pie chart we see health care expenditures in U.S.A in 1999, which consists of seven parts: hospital care, physician service, program administration and insurance costs, nursing care, dental service, drug and medical expenses and others。

As we may see from this chart, hospital care takes the greatest portion of the whole health care expenditures, accounting for 40% of the total sum. Physician services ranks the second, closely following hospital care, taking up 20% ($110 billion) of the total sum of $550 billion. The other expenditures include nursing care, dental service, drug and medical expenses, program Administration and insurance costs, and other expenditures。

This chart shows clearly the Americans, just like people elsewhere in the world, take more attention to the welfare directly concerning their health: they spend a major part (60%) of their health care expenditures on hospital care and physician services. Nursing care ranks the third, preceding drug and medical expenses, which seems to be different from what exist in most third word countries, for example, in China, where drug and medical expenses account for a major part of the total health care expenditures. In my opinion, the labor force is much more expensive in the U.S. than in the third world countries, and that is why nursing care costs more than quite a few items do. (220 words)

