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考研英语  时间: 2019-03-08 17:01:44  作者: 匿名 

overtake 赶上,超过 He ran out of the door to ~ her

overthrow 推翻,打倒 a plot to ~ the government

overwhelm 征服,压倒,毁坏 He took 45% of the ballots and ~ed his two main rivals

pace 步,步速,步伐 He took three ~s forward

pad 垫,衬垫 a seat ~

pant 气喘,气喘吁吁地说话 He ~ed along beside the bicycle

parallel 平行的 The road is ~ to the river

paralyze 使瘫痪,使麻痹 A stroke ~d half his face

partial 偏向一方的,偏袒的,偏爱的 A parent should not be ~ to any one of his children

participate 参与,参加,In a modern democracy people want to ~ more fully

particular 特殊的,特别的 a matter of ~ importance

pat (用掌或扁平物)轻拍,轻打She patted a place next to her for me to sit down

patch 补钉,补片 patches at elbows of a jacket

patent 专利,专利权,专利品 take out a ~ for an invention

pattern 模范,榜样 set the ~ for

pave 铺路,铺砌,铺筑 ~ a road with concrete

peculiar 奇怪的,古怪的 He has always been a little ~

peel 削皮,剥皮 peel potatoes

penetrate 穿透,渗入 The nail ~d the wood at least two inches

perceive 感知,感觉,觉察 He was only able to ~ light and color ;he could not see properly

perfume 香水,香料,香气She loves French ~(s)

periodical 期刊,杂志 a ~ room

perish 卒,丧生~ from disease

perpetual 永久的,永恒的,长期的 a ~ arms race

perplex 使困惑,使茫然 The question ~ed him

persecute 虐待,残害,迫害 ~ animals

perspective 透视画法,透视图 a lesson in drawing class on ~

pessimistic 悲观的 I am ~ about my chances of getting the job

petition 请愿,请愿书 get up a ~

pierce 刺入,刺穿,穿透 The thorn ~d his heel

pile 一堆,一叠 a ~ of sand

pilot 飞行员,驾驶员

pin 大头针,别针

pinch 捏,拧,夹 I ~ed myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming

plausible 论点等貌似有理的 a ~ excuse

plead 恳求,请求 His parents ~ed that he should be given one more chance

pledge 保证,誓言,誓约 fulfill one’s ~

plot 小块土地 a vegetable ~

plug 塞子,栓 He wears rubber ~s in his ears when he swims

plunge 猛地投入或插入 He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and ~d in

