时间: 2019-03-08 17:01:32
作者: 匿名
1:Beauty is only skin deep. 人不可貌相
2:Better late than never. 亡羊补牢犹时未晚/聊胜于无
3:Constantly dripping wears away the stone. 滴水穿石
4:Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 分散风险
5:Every cloud has a silver lining. 天无绝人之路,凡事皆有好的一面
6:Every dog has his day. 三十年河东,三十年河西/风水轮流转
7:God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者
8:Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要为发明之母
9:No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获
10:Nothing venture, nothing gain. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
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