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考研英语  时间: 2019-03-08 16:59:52  作者: 匿名 

101.bring down  

例如:Electricity lines were brought down by falling trees or brabches.使…倒下

   bring down prices. 降低价格

102.bring forth   生产,产生

103.bring forward  

例如:Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.提出…意见

They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.提前

104.bring in  ①赚取; ②吸引
105.bring off  使成功;完成…
106.bring on ①使…长得更好;②引起(火灾或疾病);③端上(食物) 

107.bring out①解释清明; ②出版(书、唱片等)

108.bring through 救活,使…渡过难关

109.bring to 使…恢复知觉

110.bring up  

例如:She was born in TaiWan but brought up in Japan.抚养

   She was so ill that she brought up everything that she ate at noon. 呕吐

111.build on 依赖、依靠…;把…建立于…
112.build up ①加大;增强(体质);②建立,开发

113.in bulk成批地,不散装的
114.burn down  (火势)减弱;(被)焚毁

115.burn off  烧掉

116.burn out   ①烧尽,熄灭; ②(因过热或使用过多)出故障;③耗尽体力

117.burn up  ①被烧毁;发烧;②(火)烧得更旺;激怒

118.burst into  ①闯入…;②突然发作
119.burst on/upon 突然来到…
120.burst out 突然…起来

