构词con全部+fide相信,信念→全部相信→吐露[真情] +ence名词后缀→信心,自信,信任
n.1.trust or faith in a person or thing.信赖
2.that which is confided; a secret私事
3.a feeling of assurance that a confidant will keep a secret信心
真题连线2004 Text 2
Yet the result may be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly. 然而,结果可能就是成绩欠佳,因为这种学生得到的个人关注较少,同时当众讲话时的信心也不足。
v.1.to keep within bounds; restrict限制
2.to shut or keep in禁闭
n.purview; scope:范围;区间
习惯用语be confined to(局)限于,(被)限制在
between the confines of...之间的界线
on the confines of濒于, 差一点儿就;
beyond the confine of超出…的范围
confine oneself to只涉及, 只限于真题连线1998 Passage 5
The significance of hot spots is not confined to their role as a frame of reference. 热点的重要性不仅限于它们作为参照体系的作用。
真题连线2009 Text 2
It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom—or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad.俗话说,贤父知己子。可如今,男人却可以有方法来提升自己做父亲的智慧了——或至少可以确认自己是孩子的爸爸。
n.1.war 战争
2. a clash冲突
真题连线2007 Part B
They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically.他们也应该了解如何解决问题、化解冲突,应该了解集思广益和批判性思考的方法。
v.1.to correspond in form or character; be similar.一致
2. comply 适合
链接conformity n.一致;遵守(con共同+form 形状+ity名词后缀→一致)
While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. 几乎每个历史学家对史学都有自己的界定,但现代史学家的实践最趋于认为历史学是试图重现过去的重大史实并对其做出解释。
v.1.to come face to face with面对
2.to come up against; encounter:碰到;遇到
vi.to engage in confrontation进行反抗真题连线2003 Text 4
But not even a great health-care system can cure death——and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatness of ours. 但是即使有一个伟大的医疗卫生体系,死亡也是无法战胜的——而我们不能面对这个现实,正危及我们自身的伟大。
vt.1.throw off使迷惑
2.to mistake误解
3.to make opaque; blur 使不透明;把…弄模糊
链接confusion n.混乱(con共同+fuse流,泻 +ion名词后缀→混乱)
真题连线2009 Text 4
Sexual confusion, economic frustrations , and religious hope—all name together in a decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his father the first line he saw would settle his fate, and read the magical words: “come out from among them, touch no unclean thing , and I will be your God and you shall be my people.” 性的困惑、经济上的挫折以及宗教上的希望——这所有的一切汇聚于在他打开了圣经的一刹那,告诉他的神父他读到的第一行字将决定他的命运的时候,于是他读到了一行神秘的话语:“务必要从他们中间出来,勿沾不净之物,我将成为你们的上帝,你将成为我的子民。”
真题连线2005 Text 2
If the administration won’t take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures . 如果政府不争取立法上的主动权,国会就应该帮助政府开始采取保护措施。
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